What was your first fish?


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
I think we should break this in three, what was your first fish, what was your first fish that you did research on, and do you still have any of those fish?

My first fish ever were zebra danios and black skirts.

The first fish I researched were livebearers.

Currently of these fish I have one zebra danio who hitch-hiked in a bag with a betta.

How about you? :p
I have to say my absolut first was a black moor. He had quite a personality. Angels are the ones I actually did in depth research on. I dont have any of my first fish but I do have an angel thats nearly 10 years old.
:lol: Sorry I think you guys misunderstood, I meant do you still keep any of the same species? Heck that's great if you have some that are still kickin, but I wanted to clarify that before I get a string of dead replies.
Sorry bout that, my fault B)
My first fish was a platy. I researched on platies for two months before purchasing it... (Guess how long I researched on cichlids before jumping into this? :D Verrry long...).

She is dead, but I have about 50 of her 2nd and 3rd generations right now, which is paying for some of this hobby...
First fish ever was a male Betta, like 15 years ago.

First fish I did research on were Tiger Barbs.

I still keep Tiger Barbs and Bettas. ;)
My first fish were goldfish that lasted 5 hours... several years later, I got some white clouds. The first fish I researched were the white clouds. I still have one of the original three (five years old!)
The first fish I remember (I was about seven or so...family tank) having was a swordtail, a long-finned danio (I think), a common pleco, and a platy. (all in a ten gallon).

The first fish I researched....dwarf puffer.

Still have platy's, danios, and pleco (not a common one though). I'd like to have dwarf puffers again....neat little fish. :wub: :wub: :wub:
my first fish was a betta that my sis couldnt keep when she moved. the first fish i bought on my own was a sunset platy trio. the first fish i researched was plecos (which i decided wouldnt be happy in a 10 gallon so i got ottos) i still keep livebeares and now i have a tank big enough for plecos. i love my fishies! :nod: :fun: :D
My first fish was a 10 cent goldfish my dad got me at a petstore that was closing down. That darn thing lived over 8 years old. Then my baby brother poured my cologne in his tank and he died. I was sooo sad when my Scooby died.

First fish I did research on is the betta. Sadly Dave, and my girlfriend's betta Matthew that we got at the same time are not with us anymore either.
First fish i bought were neon tetras, first fish i bought that actually lived longer than a couple of weeks were zebra danios :X

First fish i researched properly was Hemisorubim platyrynchos, fell in love with one from a picture in a book which sparked my interest in large/predatory fish, i finally managed to get one 3 weeks ago after 5 years of searching.

I have no neons or dannios in my collection, however 2 peppered cories which were bought about 6 months after the dannios are still alive and kicking in the community tank in our sons room and are getting on for 6 years old.
Let's seeeee..... before I actually got into the hobby, I had a betta. He died within like 2 days, so I got a replacement, who also died in under a week. I'm guessing it wasn't my fault... -_-

Since I got into the hobby... I researched first. I still made big mistakes, but yey for me, right? :lol: I always research new stuff. Anyways, I researched guppies, because I wanted to have some. However, I knew a little bit about cycling, so got some neons first. Eek, I know. :*) Then, I got some tiger barbs. All died. :(

I'd like to keep some of both species, but currently don't have room for them. I loved my tiger barbs, I'll definitely do them again. :nod:
My first fish (actually two) were goldfish named Harold and Lucille. Theywere fed....nobody yell...instant potato flakes. Yep, that's right. I was six years old. Didn't know a thing, and they lived in a bowl. It was so dirty. I changed the water when it smelled, and didn't remove the chlorine or anything when I put more water in it...I had no clue. They eventually died of what I imagine was several months of unintentional mis-treatment. I got my first tank from my boyfriend this last January, and actually researched the whole cycling thing and everything before I added fish.
First fish researched was gourami.

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