What The ...

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It's really quite simple......

When you register as a member, you agree to follow the rules of the forum. William ultimately sets the rules.

As said, this isn't a democracy where we all get to vote on what we want to happen. It is a privately owned forum in which the owner has the right to set his own rules.

If William wants to swear-filter some words and give warnings for others, that's his parogative and his decision is final.

If you don't like the rules or the way they are enforced, don't use the forum.

Otherwise, why not get back to discussing fish, which i'm sure is what we all signed up for?

Sorry to be so blunt, but that really is the bottom line, and no amount of 'discussion' will change that.
Just to clarify something, FTW is an internet abbreviation and it is commonly used in PC gaming. It's quite easier then saying "you lose" or "I won". People are just being overzealous about trying to find a bad meaning in them. Last time I checked 'for' is not a swear word.

On the 'omg' issue, I think banning that would be ridiculous on the count of that would make then forum a religious forum and not a fish forum. Not everyone believes in Christianity.
Ever heard the Tiger Army song "FTW"? Yes that's the title and no it does not stand for "For the Win", google it and have a listen to see what I always assumed it meant.

I'm not particularly offended by foul language, (perhaps I should be)! But I do agree that this is William's forum and whatever he says goes. If he decided that we all had to conduct our postings in French tomorrow I'd be off looking for another forum and not trying to argue the rules. As was said in the PM, follow the rules and all will be well. This truly isn't a democracy, we have to abide by what William and the moderators say.

Time to close this and move on?



- which incidentally are my initials, but since I was already playing with the acronym translator, could also have meant:

SG Group Suppression (aviation)
SG Sacred Geometry
SG Safeguards
SG Safety Glass
SG Safety Guide
SG Say Goodbye
SG Seaborgium (element 106)
SG Secretary-General
SG Serum Globin (medicine)
SG Share Globally
SG Shattered Galaxies (game)
SG Shotgun
SG Show of Gas (drililng reports)
SG Silent Generation
SG Silly Goose
SG Skin Graft
SG Smoke Grenade
SG Solid Gold
SG Soylent Green
SG Space Group
SG Spark Gap (voltage control device)
SG Specific Gravity
SG Stargate (TV show)
SG Steam Generator
SG Stripper Gatherer
SG Sub-Group
SG Support Group
SG Surgeon General

I may start signing my name as Shattered Galaxies or Soylent Green in future.
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