What Tail Type Is George?


Oct 26, 2004
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I have this betta that I rescued from PetCo, and I am having trouble deciding on his tail type. He looks mostly like a VT, but as I understand it, VT's do not have symmetrical tails, and George's is perfectly symmetrical. So, I'm confused. Is he VT with a bit of something else mixed in, or what?


well, there are other tail types that exist that aren't commonly bred or seen, like the spade tail and round or single tail, but he may just be a mutation of the VT.

i didn't see that you responded to my other post. sorry for this
well, there are other tail types that exist that aren't commonly bred or seen, like the spade tail and round or single tail, but he may just be a mutation of the VT.

i didn't see that you responded to my other post. sorry for this

np, I just wanted some other opinions, as well, but didn't want to hijack the other thread. :) So, you think he could be a cross with one of those?
i think its hard to say with pet store bettas. they could really be anything, y'know? but from what i've read about the spade tails, they were the original petstore betta, so its not impossible that he's a cross or a throwback, but then it's not impossible that with all the inbreeding and overbreeding of the animals, he just picked up a genetic mutation that gave him a symmetrical tail instead of the traditional veil tail. really, that is how all the other tail types originated, after all, they're all just genetic mutations of the original betta splendens (whatever ever that was).

so after my long spiel, i'll chock it up to... maybe! :lol:

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