What Size Tanks Are All Your Bettas In?

I have girls in a 30 gallon, a divided 8 gallon with 2 boys and a 6 gallon hex with 1 boy and some kuhli loaches.
Hi guys since this is a similar topic can you guys please help me no one has answered my post I am just a newbie to the world of betta’s so I would really appreciate your advice.

Hi guys I got a new office buddie Cosmo (male betta) last week and I have him in a big bowl however the bowl does not do him justice so I am going to get a tank with a light is a 16Litre tank too small and should I use the filter and if I use a filter do I still do 100% water changes?

I think 16 litres is about 5 Gal (US)
At the moment a 4 gal (US) but I think after all your advise I may get a bigger tank ....

I heard that Betta's get nervous in a large tank because in the wild a lot of them live in puddles and even in horse shoe foot prints on the edge of rice patties.

But it sounds for your experiences that this is not necessarily the case :)
I've got one male preparing himself to be moved into a 15 gal (UK) - planning for it to be heavily planted with a couple of shoals of miniature fish to keep him company (Pygmy corys and spotted rasboras probably!)
Am I the only Beta owner who has 1/2 a gallon? It's seems happy by it self. I might give it some floating plants :).
Am I the only Beta owner who has 1/2 a gallon? It's seems happy by it self. I might give it some floating plants :).

I think you're the only betta owner who will say you have a 1/2 gallon. I reckon anyone with a small tank is afraid of the onslaught lol
I currently have my new boy in a 1g but am just setting up his 3.3g but he is building huge bubble nests in the 1g, I just can't keep him in there, I think it's a good inbetween tank though, for bringing new boys home or even breeding when I'm brave enough
My only betta is in his own 10 gallon tank. He seemed to like it in my 22 gallon (I was cleaning his tank), but I have other plans for it.
Am I the only Beta owner who has 1/2 a gallon? It's seems happy by it self. I might give it some floating plants :).

My 1st betta lived in about 1/2 gallon bowl for 4 years and was very healthy.

My current betta lives in a 1 gallon bowl.
2 1/2 gallon at the moment since weight of the tank was an issue.

My feelings on choosing a betta tank relies on several things:
- Swim room/ "run space". The length difference between a 5 gallon and a 2 1/2 gallon is not significant IMO...maybe 4 more inches? 5 gallon tanks make up the rest of their volume difference in width and height. Hex tanks tend to have less "run space" compared to standard sized ones. Importance of swim room depends on the actual bettas personality since some are just naturally more active than others.

- Equipment. It can be more difficult to find an appropriate heater/filter/lighting for a small tank so base part of your decision on the availability of such things.

- Care and maintenance. Larger volumes of water are more stable than smaller volumes of water, and this is where diligence becomes an important issue. I had filter problems on my betta tank so while I'm waiting on my paycheck to clear it's currently being kept in a healthy state via biofiltration courtesy of a nice jumble of java moss and frequent large water changes.
Divided 5 gal. Ive had loadsa fighters all in seperate 2.5 gals and two in there own 1 gal tanks before (all heated/filtered)before but have cut down on tanks ;)

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