What Phytoplankton Do You Use?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I need to buy some of this to keep my corals happy

what brand do you guys use? I;ve seen some for about £11 which seems steep then I;ve seen some on ebay for about £3?

any advice please?
I buy mine from South West Marines as they culture it there you know its alive ;)
I buy mine from South West Marines as they culture it there you know its alive ;)

I take it they don;t sell nationwide?
They do not sell it nationwide but can do a delivery for you call the shop to see I was in the shop and seen how many swimmers they have in there phyto .
I;ve bought some that was recomended of UR. does it make a difference to the growth of your corals?
I would not say it makes a huge diffrence but its just adding the natural soup to the tank it will stimulate feeding in the tank
any body know any one who sells it in the northeast of England
its just one of them thing i need to get sorted before i kick
of my nano reef and was just wondering it there was anyone
up here that sells it

cheers the biffster

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