Fish Fanatic
If you are doing a "heavy rescape", you may want to monitor and stabilize your BB cycle before starting CO2. Doing both at the same time may not have the best outcome.Yes, thanks. This 75g has been running for over 8 months with fish now, including 6 months with the exact fish I'll be using.
I won't be starting a tank, just a heavy rescape and starting co2
I generally understand how ph effects fish and I will of course be introducing the co2 slowly but I was wondering if the pH would fluctuate a lot as the tank adjusted with the ph controller.
Another clarifying question, but the pH controller will stop excess co2 building up at night or when the lights are off ?
So I wouldn't need to run the pH controller or the solenoid off a timer plug, because the solenoid will be controlled by the ph controller which would essentially do the job of a timer in this scenario?
Your pH Controller should maintain the set pH level and control the solenoid regardless of the time of day so no timer should be necessary.