What Other Fish Go Well With Fancy Goldfish?

Indeed it is true I am a man and thus can only use one organ at a time.

Robin Williams said:
God gave men a brain and a penis, but only enough blood to run one at a time.

African clawed frogs can be kept with goldfish, apple snails altho these may be sucked up depending on size ofcourse you could offer up one of yours and see how it goes if they grow up with it they are less likely to attack when older, amphibians. If they get a heater then they could keep some sub-tropical species prolonged exposure to tropical temps is debatably healthy for goldies. ADF I think would get eaten

I would say 10 weeks is the deadline to move them. Your choice whether to get their real end tank which would need to be 50 gallons next but its obviously a large commiment.

Edit: machrobrachium or filter shrimp could be possible tankmates.
Jeez. Without wanting to get my head blown off cos i'm not answering everything... :rolleyes:

From my personal experience, i'd also say around the 8-10 week mark... my black moor grew from 1inch ex. tail to 4 1/2 ex. tail in 2 months :hyper:

I have 3 ADF's with my fancies.

What type of fancies are they? And don't get nasty if you've already asked, I didn't see it and so i'm asking nicely again.
Seriously I don't have a problem with people not answering every question... or people trying to help and slightly missing the mark. But I see so many times people just plain not reading the original post properly, n I don't understand why I should say thanks to someone who hasn't helped me...

That's really shocking...(I've never kept goldfish personally), I presumed they'd grow much slower than that... But I will certainly pass the info on that they should actively be looking for a new tank now.

And I hadn't said what types they were, to be honest I hadn't really given it much thought. But thinking back (I have only seen these fish once), I'm 95%sure one is a black moor and the other a fantail.

Do you think keeping ADF's with fancies depends on the fish? Or have you never had any problems with any of your fish and frogs? (Just thinking back to what salty said)
As far as I know, fantails are BIG fancies and need a bit more space than that 60l upgrade - try and get them to go bigger of you can :) . Pretty sure that's what i've read, but never kept them myself so don't have proof.

Moors are good fish, and my previous one also seemed to grow quite fast. Might be the love of bloodworm though :blush: though their growth rate might well be stunted/slowed by being kept in a small environment - 30l is a definite improvement on the bowl, but still not nearly enough.

My ranchu is a slow grower, and telescope's i've had in the past seemed to be slow too. My oranda is a piggy and I think will be a speedy one like Sid my moor.

Haven't had any probs so far with the ADF's - they seem to either hang out in the plants or hide under some bogwood. I just make sure I feed them with tweezers, cos the fancies are too fast for them at mealtimes. I think as long as they have some nice hidey-holes then they're ok, though once my fancies all get a couple inches bigger I think i'll set up a tank just for the ADF's.

ADF's won't do well if there is still ammonia in the tank - can you get them to do maybe 2 wc's per day, to keep the levels at a minimum? The fish can suffer otherwise. Nice to hear the water's being tested though :good:

Oh, and the temp needs to be slightly warmer for the ADF's if they go for them in the end - my froggies seem happy at about 22/23, and my goldoes aren't bothered. After all, their tank is at 28 atm due to this heatwave
Trust me I know the 30l is far from ideal. But imagine your on holiday at the other side of the country and happen to hear in passing that your boyfriends dad has bought 2 goldfish and put them in a bowl... Me being the fish freak I am :blush: , demanded my boyfriend find out what size bowl, whether it had a filter and whether it was cycled. I 'offered' (insisted) on helping them out if they wanted me to.

Well then we set off home Sunday, car breaks down on motorway, RAC makes us wait over 4 hours. Eventually arrive home at 1am. First thing I did on Monday was take a filter (with mature media from my own filter) and buy them the cheapest 30l tank I could find (they were having my spare till my dad cracked it). So anyways point was my main priority was getting them into a safe + relatively healthy environment.

There shouldn't 'in theory', be an ammonia problem in the 30l now. But I said it'd be a very very good idea to get a liquid test kit and keep and eye on it, making sure to keep the ammonia at .25 or below.

There is no rush for them to put anything in with the fish by the way. They asked in passing and I basically said let me ask around.

At the moment the feelers have been put out for a second hand tank. I'm really hoping someone can remember the name of the second hand fish tank shop in Sheffield. I'm 100% sure there is one, just can't remember where. I could take his dad n dads gf down there, point to what would be good and then leave them too it. Instead of feeling like a bit of a nosey pest...at the end of the day they aren't my fish yet I feel like I'm telling them what to do...
Well you're only helping, not being nosy - i'm sure they're greatful of being pointed in the right direction and not having 2 dead fishies :shout:

Least they have some mature media in the tank as well so at least the fish will be more comfortable until their new home is sorted :)
What do you personally think of these tanks...

180376836649 - 24"l x 12"d x 24"h (110l)
180374444069 - 24"l x 14"d x 20"h (110l) -- This is probably the most suitable for their house
320392490656 - 30"l x 12"d x 15"h (88l)
220444153903 - 60cml x 40cmd x 58cmh (135l)
140330506520 - 30"l x 12"d x 18"h (100l)

Am I right in thinking goldfish would be better in a long tank as opposed to tall... Or will they be ok eitherways?
I was thinking the last one is most suitable, but are they all ok for me to recommend?
And finally is the 2nd one ok as I think this is the one they'll be most interested in buying.

Thanks for all your help. Goldfish is a completely unknown territory to me. I've done alot of reading, but peoples experience is really useful.

Ps. I'm pretty sure you'll understand where the item numbers come from, but PM me if you're unsure.
Length and width are important but if you notice how a goldfish swims, they swim the whole water column. I would say height would be just as important and length and width.
Lol, that's the thing...I never have watched a goldfish swim. And if they do use the whole water column then that's great as it means that the 24"l x 12"d x 24"h should be ok for them shouldn't it?
The reason why I thought ADF would be eaten is in my younger years myself and a few friends would feed ADF to a crown pearlscale goldy approx 10 inches long that lived in a friends pond. God knows how that fish survived outside all year round and with very poor diet.
I thought length was more important than height - though perhaps moreso for normal goldfish, not fancies. Because fancies are rounder, you might get away with it, and need that bit of extra height for their bulky bodies, hehe.

I'd probs either go with 2nd or 4th (I like 4th the best, purely cos it's a tad longer)

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