What Ornaments For Your Cory's Do You Have?


Mar 7, 2007
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South Shields, UK
What hidey holes or ornaments do you have that your corys like?

Im currently after getting one but im not entirely sure what would suit them best, atm looking at either a artificial slate cave or polyresin hollow log.

Please post your pictures (also gives you opportunity to show off your fish ;))

I have a lot of fake plants of varying heights which they seem to love, I often found them hanging upsidedown off of plants whilst trying to clean them or something ;) I have quite a big 'sunken ship' with a small hole in the top but leading to giant open space, they like that if they want to go and hide away there's plenty of room for them to go and sit in the dark. There's also a smaller fake tree with lots of holes for them to swim through and another bigger tree which they ignore completely for the most part!
make sure the holes in any ornament are big enough, there have been storys about corys getting stuck and some dieing slowly, just make sure they can easily fit through even when fully grown
I've found that my cories like to hide in the shade of my plants. I have ornaments out for them but they prefer the short plants that they can hide under.

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