What Kind Of Shrimp Is This...

Yeh I'm pretty sure it's macrobrachium lanchesteri
Liv15 said:
How big did yours get? I can't find anywhere how big they get
My male is 3 in and the female is 2 in. The female has been berried a couple times but releases the eggs after a few days. I am fairly certain that they need salt or brackish water to breed properly.
Okay thanks so are the whisker shrimp the same as macrobrachium lanchesteri or like a dwarf version?
stanleo said:
How big did yours get? I can't find anywhere how big they get
My male is 3 in and the female is 2 in. The female has been berried a couple times but releases the eggs after a few days. I am fairly certain that they need salt or brackish water to breed properly.
tcamos said:
Yes, as long as the video shows the claws well it can be helpful indeed.
Omg I just took another video and the shrimp was going after my black guppy - which is the biggest guppy I have! The guppy isn't completely in the shot but the shrimp is chasing him, you get the idea...

Are you going to take him out now? :/
I recommend removal of the shrimp and return to the store. Show them the video.
Could I put him with 2 fancy goldfish? :-/
For now
He still might go after them. If you have a small container to put him in, that's the best bet. Something you can confine him in but keep in the main tank.
Like this...
tcamos said:
I recommend removal of the shrimp and return to the store. Show them the video.
I don't know what to say to them at the store, maybe I should show them a pic of an amano and show how they're different? Then show the video. It's just my mother went and threw out the receipt even though I pay for all my fish and stuff (she seems to have a "thing" about throwing things out :/ ) if they won't take it back, not sure how I'm gonna get rid of this thing?!
hey hate to bomb your thread here but the tank for your fancy as i read in your profile is way to small for them 30 liters is nowere sutable.they need around 147 liters for two.
Well my goldfish are pretty small atm and I do regular water changes and have hornwort plant in there. The guy at the aquatics store said i could put two fancy goldfish in a 30L tank. They look happy for now but I don't want them suffering if they get big, I was thinking of making a little pond outside just for them when they do get big? I have a large pond already but it has quite a few large goldfish like shubunkins and ordinary goldfish.
ok well im will say this, dont procastinate,these guys can easily get stunted and the guy at the store was absoulty wrong. i advise you to start looking on getting a bigger setup or pond in your cause asap so they would die of stunting.
Aw poor fish :( they haven't really grown in like a year (since I bought them) maybe their growth has been stunted? But would a pond that's small but deep enough for the right amount of water be okay, if I put some oxygenating weed in there?
well it has to be like 147 liters... its possible they might be stunted though

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