What Is Your Favourite Fish?

Bettas as they are such characters and beautiful, but I did see a video on you tube recently with dwarf puffers that I absolutely adored! :wub:
Any kind of puffer :good: they're so much fun to watch esp the dwarf puffers when they try to eat small snails :)
Umm, even though I've never kept them, I love Bichir's ALOT (my friend had some). I guess corydoras or angelfish, or loaches for the fish that i've had
it's too hard for me to pick just one so i'm going to pick 3.my kribs,my clown loaches,and my angelic botia loaches.my kribs because they are so pretty and my loaches because they are hilarious to watch.
I will always have a soft spot in my heart for my bettas. But I also LOVE plecos I think they are the coolest looking fish and My new little bristle nose is so much fun to watch work.

I like my Rams too.

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