What is a discus fish?

Discus are laterally compressed fish the originate from the Amazon (in South America). They are classed as 'New World Cichlids' on the forum, and if you have any specific questions about water conditions etc, one of the forum experts will be sure to answer :)
Better yet, wait for multiple replies if you decide to get them. Along with books. (They have some pretty peculiar breeding habits if you're interested in that :D).
If your thinking of keeping discus please please please do a lot of research first. and when you think your clear on it all...reserch some more.

This is NOT a fish for beginners

That's what I meant when I was talking. Sorry if it wasn't as stern.

By the way, you have to tell uis what type of tank you have or can get. These guys need quite big living quarters and specialized care. Check out a book on cichlids in general to get a general idea of how these fish are and what they require.
i don't think (s)he has decided to breed them yet :p
Eiither way, caring for them is difficult unto itself.

You have to have suitable companions, quarters, food, and equipment.

Breeding is just a goal set after researching and buying the fish. :dunno:
Thanks! I would never consider breeding any fish now! I am the proud mama to my 3rd betta. I have been a very good mama to them all and I hope that my 30 gallon tank will be home to new coloful (naturally) fish that are as fun to watch as my betta.

BettaBabe said:
I hope that my 30 gallon tank will be home to new coloful (naturally) fish that are as fun to watch as my betta.
Try angelfish. You could fit 2 (maybe 3) angels in that 30 gallon. :D :D :D

Angels are the best, IMO.
Here's a picture I posted on this forum earlier this year of one of my discus.

Awww, he's pretty. But since I only have a 30 gal tank and I am so new at fish keeping and everyone here is so eager to point out that I couldn't take care of such a fine fish, I think that I'll stick to making my 30 gal tank a giant betta bowl.

Thanks for the encouragement y'all!

I don't think anyone meant any offense in their posts...discus are just very difficult fish to keep. I've had many types of tanks over the years and I've wanted discus for a long time, but I'm a little scared to get them because they are so sensitive. I truly think that people's replies were meant more out of concern for you then saying that you are an inadequate fishkeeper. Personally, I haven't gotten any discus yet because I worry that I will kill them!
You know what Sorrel i think you should give it a try, it's not as hard as they say as long as you keep up with the maintenance.....I've been only keeping fish for a couple of months when i first stumble on discus....I have mine for almost 4 months now and they are doing great.....Just as long as your willing to make frequent water changes....I do a 30% change everyother day....Discus are the best FW fish out there IMO.....

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