What Have You Achieved Today?

"Aww, bless, that is a great thing Well done Gary's daughter! You'll be chasing her round Tesco in no time at all"

Cheers very much fluttermoth :hyper: She's already running rings round me haha

Well... today i managed to stay calm at socks and slides after some big kid screamed in my we girls face. He's lucky to be alive, he REALLY is.

I dug out the last three 2ft deep holes for my fence posts out the back garden

and I cant think of anything else.

Not quite being part of giving birth haha but still....

lol I wish I had anxiety meds. I just toss my stress all over this forum. It's free and no side effects {besides shame and embarrassment} :rofl:
lol I wish I had anxiety meds. I just toss my stress all over this forum. It's free and no side effects {besides shame and embarrassment} :rofl:

Yeah I get that


Good times! hehe

I just can't think of any achievement for today except waking up... o_O What a hollow life I have...
Excellent thread!!

Hasn't achieved too much yet today.. only been up for aboot an hour.. But I've kept my foot on the gas the whole time.. that ought to count for somethang..
Shame on you lot for posting and not admitting to have achieved the obvious!! At very least you have achieved getting up and out of bed which IMO is a bloomin good start because some days, even that is a struggle!

Today for me:

-I actually got up and went to work (despite having been awake to 4am in agony and reading terrifying book to distract myself from pain)

-I managed to work and act normal and no one noticed i was off my face on codeine because i couldnt deal with the pain all day.

-errm.... I managed to drive the hour it takes to get home without falling asleep! I guess thats an achievement!! LOL

Might count my third achievement as having done some coursework if i can get up and go do it now... *ponders*

EDIT: Anti Anxiety meds make you feel horrible and its no fun when you still feel anxious in your head but not your body because your body has been zombified by the medication! Bleurgh. Though for a plus point... valium is fun, made me hallucinate flying cats... though.. im still convinced they were real LOL
Shame on you lot for posting and not admitting to have achieved the obvious!! At very least you have achieved getting up and out of bed which IMO is a bloomin good start because some days, even that is a struggle!

Today for me:

-I actually got up and went to work (despite having been awake to 4am in agony and reading terrifying book to distract myself from pain)

-I managed to work and act normal and no one noticed i was off my face on codeine because i couldnt deal with the pain all day.

-errm.... I managed to drive the hour it takes to get home without falling asleep! I guess thats an achievement!! LOL

Might count my third achievement as having done some coursework if i can get up and go do it now... *ponders*

EDIT: Anti Anxiety meds make you feel horrible and its no fun when you still feel anxious in your head but not your body because your body has been zombified by the medication! Bleurgh. Though for a plus point... valium is fun, made me hallucinate flying cats... though.. im still convinced they were real LOL
Ah yes, I did state that achievement. Well, minus getting out of bed.

But... I have achieved winning 14 bucks today. For doing something that other people would probably ask for $30+...
So I had this client for a PC fixing job...
Had to install OS (XP SP3 is all that could be installed on that thing anyway), install all drivers (sound, video, camera) set up internet (username and password connection had to be created), downloading Winamp, VLC and Zion++ (client doesn't know how to use BitLord), create a secondary partition on C: for movies etc (client stated that it was an 80 GB HDD, but something did seem odd as initial partition had 81 GB. After formatting, I find out that in addition to those 80 GB, there were 110GB more of free space... so... not really an 80 GB)

Now, the problems with those:
1 - the HDD kept crashing. I blame a faulty SATA cable, as every time the PC was moved around there was a write error popping up and then everything crashed. The guy "fixed" those problems by ramming the pc. :crazy: Told him to buy a new cable and if that doesn't work, last resort is buying a new HDD.
2 - his internet works rather weird. It's not as convenient as my internet which has this tiny program that you put the username and pass and it just connects you to the server. His required creating the connection yourself and then putting in username and pass. Only that the client forgot his password... Cue calling his daughter to find the password, in addition to how to activate the internet for the modem. I hate modems. :angry:
3 - Did I mention I hate modems? The time it took for me to download all the stuff off the internet that he needed (browser, internet security, .NET framework, Zion++)!!!
4 - Client was so sure his sound jack was put correctly. My dad had to point out that the speakers were placed in the microphone socket. I was wondering why the sound drivers had no effect on the pc. Well, in the end, there was music.

Well... At least I got the money, but my dad will start trying to blackmail me into giving him the money again...
I went to work today, as it was the start to a 6 day work week, and I have been working 100 hours a pay period for the past two months withouth complaint.
I achieved

- Put up a 5ft picket fence at the front of our garden

- Put up a 6 metre length of reed screening to fill the fence panels that blew down in the high winds we had

- Cleaned up both gardens

- Fitted an Eheim outlet pipe to my 35L

- Planted 2 pots of 1-2 grow Staurogyne and about 10 lots of Blyxa

- Took my son to see consultant up the hospital

- Went shopping and I'm now chilling playing Call of Duty MW3 and having a few beers before the other kids get home from school
-Got up and fed everybody a healthy breakfast. {A lot of my achievements are based around feeding my kids better most, and I love to cook :) }

-Got everything ready to do my water changes - I am doing them right after this so it counts :p 50% for all tanks.

-Defrosted some chicken to make homemade chicken tenders. I use cornflakes for the whole grains, and they are baked so insanely low in fat. Broccoli with garlic chips on the side.

-Gave my kids a morning bath because they SMELLED. :sick:

Good day to everyone and hope you achieve things your are proud of too, big or small. :nod:

Edit: I did NOT achieve good typing skills on the first try.
^^^ Ahaha

Cooking healthy is great!! Id love to say i achieved eating healthy today but i didnt :p I has a chocolate cupcake today but it was that or bin it :p

I Achieved getting up again!! (i count this as an achievement when i spend half the night up sick or in pain or just night terrors of one sort or another)

I got a whole list of jobs done at work that was meant to cover two days so can take it easy tomorrow (water changing a thousands of liters and cleaning the two big Nexus pond filters and the EazyPod filter, emptying out the biorb flow to scrub it and reset it up *no fish*, algae wiping, adding 25 cardinals to display tank and then removing rainbows when said cardinals turned out to be a complete dissapointment, facing up all stock, bringing out all stock we had time for and dealing with a bunch of miserably stupid customers).

I took my camera to work to try getting some fish photos which i have been meaning to do for a while. Didnt work, dont understand the camera well enough yet but i tried!

I also had my Open Uni tutorial tonight and finished happier off, my first big assignment is due in by about the 17th but I have a little leaway until the 22nd as my tutor knows i cant always work when i have to take the codeine.

Now I need to get my butt off the forums and go achieve some psych work!!

And tomorrow I need to chase up the dentist. Need to know where the heck my hospital referral is to have my wisdom teeth + 1 out! Need it dont before i get another jaw abcess! Ick!!
Only achievement today was waking up.
Not sure if going for a walk with mom and the neighbors counts.
I felt like a cheapskate because I have money and didn't bring any but I tend to have savings instead of spending them randomly...
Well... already today I have achieved getting up early despite being up since 5am after a massive catfight going on outside which made my dog bark like an idiot for hours!

And if i leave now... im going to achieve getting to work early for a change! *sluuuurrrrrps coffee and runs away*
Woke up.
Set up my dad's pc so that today they give him that modem. I might set it up for him if they ask for money for set up (although they said it's free). I hate modems. Really hate them.
So far today I've done all right.
*I haven't gossiped, cursed, or lost my temper.
*I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or over indulgent.

I am really glad about these things.

But, in a few minutes I am going to get out of bed.

I'm probably going to need a lot more help now....

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