1996, my then teenaged sons turned up from the fair with four goldfish they had won throwing darts. The poor fish spent their first night in a mixing bowl in non-dechlorinated water. One didn't make it. We got a 60 litre (16 gallon) tank - yes, I know

- and the three of them, a common and two comets, thrived and grew and grew. Nine months later we gave them away to someone with a pond and I bought a heater and tropical fish.
Then I got a 125 litre; the 60 litre sprang a leak and was replaced with a 54 litre; the bracer bar on the 125 litre parted company with the back wall so I used the excuse to get a 180 litre; the 54 litre had to be closed as the kitchen was altered and there was no room for it. And somewhere along the line I got a 25 litre for a betta, which replaced with a different 25 litre, then my current 23 litre leaving me with a couple of spare, empty tanks to use as quarantine tanks.