What Got ya Started in the hobby?

Bluetooth? range is no good. Drones range is 3 km on 2.4gh

and you have to watch interference etc
If school want you to build it from scratch then look at this site

the only thing you can’t realistically make is the transmitter or receiver
you would have to designs build pcb’s and there’s legal stuff around using various radio bands
If school want you to build it from scratch then look at this site

the only thing you can’t realistically make is the transmitter or receiver
you would have to designs build pcb’s and there’s legal stuff around using various radio bands
Im using arduino for this project and i have no idea how to connect the receiver
I love the ocean and lakes. Would love to live on a beach someday. My family's snapping turtle we kept for 5 yrs passed, and my kids are older. Hubby won't let me get chickens or goats so I turned to fish! I am only able to have a ten gallon planted tank at this point but would love a 30gal. Here's hoping:)
No you don't.. want to live on the beach. I now live on an island.. sure life on the beach appears glamorous. BUT, You will have sand everywhere, and the salt air will destroy everything metal. Even stainless steel.
That said I grew up with a creek behind the house.. my mother had a copper clad tank. And we always had fish.. while stomping thru the creek I would come home with frogs in my pocket.. and sunfish in a jar. And crawfish in bags.. we do are best to keep them alive.. it became an addiction..
Had fish in my dorm room in college.. did my independent project for biology on the breeding habits of the Mozambique mouth breeder. At the worst point of my addiction had like 20+ tanks..now that I live on an island.. don't need a tank.. I just SCUBA dive, and I'm swimming in the tank. LoL.
What a great forum, so much knowledge and help. But I'm curious as what got ya all into the hobby? And as a new member I'll start, just to get the discussion rolling?

4th grade at Cabrillo ES, my teacher, Ms Barnum had simple 20 gal saltwater tanks with a few anemones and crabs. Everyone in the class took turns taking care of it and a few lucky got to take a tank home for the holidays. That started my love of nature and my B.S. in Marine biology. In those early years I kept Sun Lee Aquarium store in business, and like everybody else life happens. But a few years ago I got the time and the $ to rtn top my childhood hobbies and to them up right, now including tropical fish. My start, initially began with a 40 bow, and then grew to a 55, 30 tall and 29...finally ending up with my recent 100g And now I'm reading this forum...jeeze I wish this forum was around back eons ago....well thanks for reading and I look forward to reading your stories.
I bought my first fish tank with my first paycheck I ever had when I was 18. Unfortunately after a few years my brother threw a wii remote and it broke. That was a sad day and a mess. So I got out of the hobby for years. Then I had a kid, and our neighbor has a zoo at her house wich include a 120g tank, 2 75g tanks, and I think 2 or 3 little 5g tanks. Anyway I love her tanks, aways so beautiful. She bought my son a small 5g tank for Christmas a fews years a go, with a betta. Then it started, I saw a sale and then it went to a 10 with 4 gold fish. I should have done way more research on goldfish because I had no clue what I just got into. So they got bigger and the tank went to a 20g, then they got even more bigger. So then to a 39g, then the 55g and my big gold fish are in a 75g now. I love this hobby, I watch my fish more than tv. Also I put the 20g in the living with my son's batta and now has Cory catfish. My Cory's just had there first baby show up in the take, so we have a baby now.
If you buy a gold fish please do some research first. They get big really big, And they are dirty guys. Took me some time to get my water levels and my water changes just right. I still am surprised how these 12 cent gold fish can get so big. But I love it, there so active always pulling out my plants,moving everything they can around. I even make them and the snails jello, and they love love cucumber day wich I do 2 times a week. Itsfun there fun to watch. They come give me kisses in the morning. When I do the water changes they nibble on me, and swim threw my hands, like I am running there belly. There are so cute. I have always found watching and size or kind of tank very relaxing and calming. I tell people who want to start it's a hobby not just a pet. It's alot of work, but if you enjoy it you will have happy fish.
What a great forum, so much knowledge and help. But I'm curious as what got ya all into the hobby? And as a new member I'll start, just to get the discussion rolling?

4th grade at Cabrillo ES, my teacher, Ms Barnum had simple 20 gal saltwater tanks with a few anemones and crabs. Everyone in the class took turns taking care of it and a few lucky got to take a tank home for the holidays. That started my love of nature and my B.S. in Marine biology. In those early years I kept Sun Lee Aquarium store in business, and like everybody else life happens. But a few years ago I got the time and the $ to rtn top my childhood hobbies and to them up right, now including tropical fish. My start, initially began with a 40 bow, and then grew to a 55, 30 tall and 29...finally ending up with my recent 100g And now I'm reading this forum...jeeze I wish this forum was around back eons ago....well thanks for reading and I look forward to reading your stories.
I had gotten a claw foot bathtub with the intention of planting water plants in it. They never worked but I never emptied the water. One day my daughter and family came to visit me in Idaho from Arizona and were looking around my backyard. My Daughter suddenly exclaimed, Dad! You’ve got mosquito larvae in here! So I thought ‘Hey I’ll get some gold fish! I did and kept them till it got close to winter. I trim trees for power line clearance. One day we had to trim at a house,and were walking around to see what all needed to be done when we happened on a good sized fish tank. The owner showed up and my coworker asked about it. The man said that the house had been a rental and the tank had been left behind. When asked what he was going to do with it he said his wife was going to do a yard sale, and that he was probably going to put it in there. My coworker asked what he wanted for it. He said, Oh I need SOME money for it. My coworker said would you take $15? After a brief pause the man said okay. I had $5 so my friend went around to the other crew members and rounded up the rest. We loaded the tank up on our work truck and then loaded it into my Ford Ranger. It took both of us to lift it. He followed me to my house to unload it. I cleaned it up then hand carted into my house. Little did I realize how small of a down payment that $15 was. That was 2016, and I’ve had fish in it ever since.
I have put two inverted aquariums on to using two 6” dia. X 4’ tall glass flower vases sat on top of 3 Peso cans that I drilled some holes in the bottom to drain them then refilled them with molten lead. I then sealed the holes with black aquarium silicone. I think each can took about 8lbs of lead. The pull tabs are still like they would be as if they had never been opened. The fish often swim into them and go clear to the top and just hang out. On occasion a snail or two will be in there.


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