What Food Is The Most Effective For Making Fish Grow?

Surprised nobody has mentioned water changes, metabolites slow the growth of fish, water changes reduce metabolites = faster fish growth.
Apologies for that, I've had this thread open for a few hours without refreshing so didn't see your reply.
Ok, so I've ordered some NLS, and I will start doing weekly changes. I was always told the bigger the tank, the less water changes you need, its good to hear some different advice and the only way I can improve in the hobby is to use forums like this. The fish all seem happy, healthy and active but not growing as I'd expect. How many times a day do u recommend feeding, I hate to over feed so it's once a day to a day and a half at the moment. Many thanks for all your helpful tips. :)
Twice daily is pretty standard, but if possible 3-4 is even better. How long it takes them to feed varies by how aggressive they are about eating, how many fish are in the tank, what types of fish are in the tank, etc.

The problem with frequent smaller feedings is that if you have fish that are more aggressive eaters than other fish in the tank they will eat all the food every time and by the time the lazy feeders realize there was food it is all already gone. In those situations it is best to feed one or two larger meals daily so that the aggressive feeders can become full and there is still food around for the other fish.

Another trick I have learned has to do with the size of the fish and the size of the food. I also feed NLS and I will feed the 2mm or 3mm food first and let the larger fish and aggressive feeders fill up on that, then offer a 1mm for smaller fish. Since the larger fish filled up on 3mm they don't take all the 1mm from the smaller fish. The larger pellets also fill up the larger fish much better.
Thank you for your advice, is the NLS a supplement to the bloodworm and brine shrimp I feed? I have purchased so NLS grow, but will take your advice on buying different sizes for the smaller fish
No, NLS should be fed exclusively to see the full benefits. It is so complete and balanced that there is no need for supplementation or variety.
Ahhhhhhh so I don't need to feed the bloodworm and brine shrimp as often if I'm using NLS?
Fishguy 2727, your signature bout stocking has nothing to do with volume it about water changes, does this means you can put more fish in a save if you change your water regularly?
Correct, you don't need to feed the bloodworms and brine shrimp at all if you feed NLS.

To a point, yes. If you do more water changes you can have more fish. Conversely if you don't do enough water changes you cannot even have the usual recommendation for stocking. I make a point of it because everyone overlooks it and focuses only on volume, so we might as well go back to 1"/gal. Water changes have a huge effect on stocking. If you do enough water changes to keep the nitrate under 20ppm before a water change you are not chemically overstocked.
Weekly. Minimum 25%, more if needed to keep the nitrate concentration under 20ppm before a water change.
Lawrence you have recieved some pretty bad advice. The probable reason your fish haven't grown is down to a poor water change schedule. Bigger tanks deal with problems better due to there being a higher amount of water to dilute the said problem, but the water still needs changing regularly. Especially as you are keeping big fish with big poo. What kind of filtration are you using? I would suggest at least a 25% water change each week and an increased feeding regieme would see them plonk it on. Unsure of the Uaru's growth rate, but my Gold Sev has grown at a steady rate of around 1/2" a month. My Oscar on the other hand is plonking it on. I also have a Green Sev that doesn't seem to be growing much at all. :/ And she is the biggest pig at feeding time! :rolleyes:

I currently feed Prima and Hikari Gold along with a few cubes of bloodworm and chopped up prawns.

I was thinking about NLS yesterday actually as my Hikari is running out, so i may look into it on eBay.

I currently feed Prima and Hikari Gold along with a few cubes of bloodworm and chopped up prawns.

I was thinking about NLS yesterday actually as my Hikari is running out, so i may look into it on eBay.


Btw mate i found my fry grow faster using prima but their colours are better using NLS hmm

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