What Fish Should I Get?


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Apr 10, 2012
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Just purcahsed a new jewel 2ft fish tank and want to get something different to what i have had before...

Here si the fish i have already had in the past..

BN plecs

Where do i go next?

I just dont knwo what to get, id like something that is easy to breed, but something different.

Anny ideas peeps?? :good:
Convicts are easy to breed and looks like the cichlid world is new to you.
I think that 2 foot is the normal for a 20 gallon. Personally, I say you go with a pair or trio of apistogramma or rams and have a school of tetras.
Agreed^ Rams would be very neat! And since they are Cichlids, they would be new to you.

Have you looked into Endlers at all? They are sorta like Neon Tetras, but are way more colorful and have a more complex body structure, which makes them look really cool!

Convicts are easy to breed and looks like the cichlid world is new to you.

Done them already, il add them to my list lol.

How many gallons or liters is it?


I think that 2 foot is the normal for a 20 gallon. Personally, I say you go with a pair or trio of apistogramma or rams and have a school of tetras.

ooo that sounds like summat id like to try thanks

Agreed^ Rams would be very neat! And since they are Cichlids, they would be new to you.

yup aint dont them b4

Have you looked into Endlers at all? They are sorta like Neon Tetras, but are way more colorful and have a more complex body structure, which makes them look really cool!


yup done endlers, come under livebearers what ive done already :)

ill say kribs :hey:

Kribs? what r they?

Kribs, Rams, Apistogramma. You could put a pair of most dwarf cichlids in there.

sounds like i plan

ill say kribs :hey:
The only thing with Kribs, is they get really aggressive and territorial when spawning. If there is not a breeding pair in the tank, then some Kribs would be okay.


Maybe not these then lol
Kribensis; they are really neat fish! I currently breed them, and they are fantastic fish, but they can, like I stated above, be very aggressive during breeding, which is nearly 100% of the time if you have a breeding pair. The other day I put my hand in the tank to move around some plants, and the male attacked my hand! lol. It did not hurt or anything, but it just goes to show how aggressive they get when spawning.

I think im going to go with the apistogramma my lfs has got some in £9 a pair.

really like em :)
What kind do they have in?

Look exactly like this to me
I think that is an Apistogramma Agassizii. The picture is deffinately a male. I'm not sure on the color strain, though.
I think that is an Apistogramma Agassizii. The picture is deffinately a male. I'm not sure on the color strain, though.

Im ging to have to do some research in to this fish before breeding them, id rather know as much as possible before rushing in to it...

Is £9 for a pair a fair price then?

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