What fish should I get?

The problem with the pictus is that, while fish do sometimes only "grow to the size of their tank" as many newbies are often told by their LFS, this is not at all healthy for them. This, technically, is stunting their growth which causes them to have a severely shortened lifespan (due to organ failure, I believe). This is why you should return the pictus ASAP to avoid stunting him... if he's small enough to fit in a 10 gallon he's probably at a crucial growth stage.

As soon as you return him you may have room for some other fish, depending on how many cories, otos, and ADFs you bought... definitely no more bottom-dwellers though. Sounds like the bottom is already crowded real estate as it is :)
definitly get more cories and ottos, they like to be in groups of three or more :)

Dwarf_Dude is right... they're very social fish and you just don't get to see them at their best when they are alone. They're much more shy and lethargic that way. When getting more cories, make sure they are the same species as the one you already have.

One you've brought your groups of cories and otos up to 3 of each, you're going to be pretty much stocked... buuuut, since otos and ADFs produce little waste as compared to other critters of their size, I think you could get away with a small mid-water dweller or two, assuming your tank is cycled and has adequate filtration. Personally, I think a betta or a couple of guppies (of the same gender, either two males or two females) would be a good choice. You could also go for a dwarf gourami

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