What Fish Go Well With Discus


Mostly New Member
Dec 9, 2013
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Hi all just in the process of upgrading my little old tank to a much bigger 350L tank i really want to get some nice discus ( eventually ) as I put a post up In another section and had some great helpful replies pretty much just warning me to stay away untill I know what I'm doing ...... For my sake and fish! :D so going to listen to that advice !

But the question I'd like to ask is what fish go well with the discus in looks and temperament?? As it will be a while before I get the discus but once I ready would hate to have to rove others out of my tank just so I can put the discus in

I currently have in my old tank ready to transfer ........
-Neon tetras
- harlequin rasbora
- synodontis catfish
- lemon spotted green pleco
-dwarf gourami

Think I've got all the names correct thanks for any advice
Most Tetras, especially Cardinals. Sterbai Corys enjoy the same water parameters as Discus, as do Festivum(Flag) Cichlids, ad even GBRs. Avoid fast moving or boisterous fish, as they may cause stress to Discus.
As adults, i've seen discus along with angelfishes, festivums and colored parrots just fine provided they're kept in schools with a planted tank.
With my discus i've got some cories, couple loaches, a BGK, few different plecos and an angelfish. I wouldn't advise keeping angelfish with discus though as it doesnt always work. My angelfish is very laid back and doesnt bother them at all it really depends on the fish

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