What fish do you think is underrated?

I don't think that ALL bettas are ugly, stupid or "worthless" I just think they're overrated, i.e., there are a lot more interesting fish. However I do enjoy watching my friend's betta, I just would not have one myself. different things appeal to different people. :)
All you people who think bettas are "boring", etc are obviously keeping them wrong. If you have the room try sticking 1 male and a few females in a larger tank with a few peaceful fish and watch, you'll be pleasantly suprised.

Overrated: Defanantly discus, goldfish to a degree (common and I wouldn't keep just goldfish), cories, a few others I can't think of offa the top of my head.

Underrated: Defanantly Oddballs, especially peacock eels (I know I rave about them at every possible chance I get, but ask anybody who's kept them, it's justified), alot of the rarer cichlids I.E: Lamprologus, Neolamprologus, Aulonocara hansbaenschi, Apple snails (Seriously, these guys have a ton of personality, mine love sliding over the air bubbles and taking off, floating half-way round the tank before plummeting to the floor), Upside down catfish, lots of others.
I don't see how people can judge a fish's personality/habits if they've never owned that type of fish before :huh: .

I own bettas so I say they are overrated. I've also owned gourami and I think they are underrated but i would never judge an oscar because I've never owned one. Opinions Opinions... hey, that's kind of like onions but with a p :hyper:
OVERRATED DISCUS?!?!?!?! Oh come on now, the pinnacle of all cichlids, one of the most challenging objectives in the hobby, not to mention one of the prettiest fish on the planet.. No NO my friend, leave the discus off that list ;)
SirMinion said:
Overrated: Bettas. colourful but but dull, dull dull. (Ooh, contraversial!)

Most of the bettas found around here look like torn pices of tissue paper floating in the tank, they just don't do anything..except die of being fin nipped by everything else in the tank if kept in a community, or of boredom if kept alone.
I'm gald you said it and not me -_-
overrated: "show" bettas such as halfmoon, super delta and crowntail
underrated: plakat tung and plakat mor
Vip said:
guppys are overrated, there a brainless fish.

I can understand if guppies aren't your fav., but how are they "brainless"?
They really don't do (or not do) anything different than most fish. If anything, their colour and liveliness squeaks them ahead of lots of other fish.

Overrated: Pirhannas (sp?)

bunjiweb said:
Get yourself a nice betta then you will see that what you have said is not true and misinformed.
No thanks,
I like my fish to be:

1) ugly and/or
2)strange and/or
3) do more than float.
Overated: In my opinion guppies get my vote. They're cannon fodder, and what they have in colour and vibrance, they lack in iniative and individuality.

Underated: Tinfoil Barbs! Intelligent, charasmatic fish
Coolie Loach

I'd also like to throw in African Clawed Frogs as UNDERATED! Although not a fish, these guys rule for the little exposure they get!
Tjimbsoj said:
Overated: In my opinion guppies get my vote. They're cannon fodder, and what they have in colour and vibrance, they lack in iniative and individuality.

Underated: Tinfoil Barbs! Intelligent, charasmatic fish
Coolie Loach

I'd also like to throw in African Clawed Frogs as UNDERATED! Although not a fish, these guys rule for the little exposure they get!
Just replied to another post from you re: frogs. (Thanks for the advice! Sincerely. :) )

Now we duel!
Guppies - Cannon fodder? :rofl: Meaning...... firing a guppy from a cannon...how far would it really go? I think a full grown Pleco would be better.

"They lack in innitiative and individuality". WELL! Let's see here.
Innitiative meaning... err,...they what....don't go into caves and up and down?? They do. (They chase females and boink too! - which is more than I can say for.. umm..this friend of mine!) They are very curious and come to the front of the tank (usually) to check you out when you enter the room! More than MANY fish do! (Do your frogs jump up with a warming smile and give you a big hug?? I think not!)
Individuality? Well,..hard to state one way or the other, but compared to neons? I don't consider guppies a "schooling" fish - though I could easily be wrong here. Everytime I've kept these 'lovable, cuddly, creatures from God', I've found them to be quite independent and curious in all aspects! Unless a large, fat, white frog with claws is chasing them!

(This is meant as a total joke - and not to insult your opinion..just in case.)
yhbae said:
Oscars are both underated and overated... :lol:

Under rated:
- African shell dwellers

Over rated:
- Life bearers
I agree 100%

You and me goota hook up! ;)

Except, I live dalmation mollies...they were my first fish ever... :*)

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