What fish do you think is underrated?

Overrated - Defiantely Bettas. Nice fish, but I just don't get the whole obssession with them

Underrated - NW Cichlids!!!
Underrated: Silver Dollars, although they dont look that amazing, they are fun to watch, active, swim at all levels of the tank, they eat anything, and they are so smart!

Overrated: Ottos, everyone seems to love these guys, but i dont find them that great, i dont like the coloration, and the shape of them. they arent bad fish at all, im just saying, they get much more credit than they deserve...
Overated- Piranhas, what I mean is there agression is overrated. For example, if I tell someone I have a piranha they are like OHH MAN IT HOW DO YOU PUT YOUR HAND IN THE TANK WITH THAT THING. Piranhas dont attack you unless they are starving.

Underrated- Clown Loaches. So fun to watch.
Over-rated: Livebearers, especially Betta's

Bettas arent live bearers.

Overrated- African Cuchlids, Oscars, Mollies, Tetras, Angelfish, Ct bettas
underated- guppies, everyone picks on them, its wrong to pick on a fish
veiltail bettas- everyone wants the rare tails and noone wants them anymore because theyre commen.
Overrated: bettas, most livebearers
Underrated: Clown loaches (although i guess they're rated as good already), catfish
SirMinion said:
Most of the bettas found around here look like torn pices of tissue paper floating in the tank, they just don't do anything..except die of being fin nipped by everything else in the tank if kept in a community, or of boredom if kept alone.
This is maybe because you are visiting terribly poor fish shops.

Yes, you see some torn or nibbled ones round here and yes if they have been bullied they are bound to be in a bad mood. But Bettas personality and colours vary so much how can you say they are boring? And some bettas are extremely beautiful, so dont blame us if your LFS stock a poor selection of veils etc.

Get yourself a nice betta then you will see that what you have said is not true and misinformed.

Cheese Specialist said:
Underrates - plecs and weather loaches
gotta agree with weather loaches...they're ace. :D

I don't get the betta obsession either....I find long colourful stuff attractive on a flower/christmas tree, not on a fish.
how can you say they have the brains of seaguls, they are actually intelligent as far as fish goes. I read that scientists reckon that because of the labarynth gland more nutrients and oxygen gets to the brain helping it develop alot more.

I can see how you think a lot look ugly but they arent ALL like this.

Its like me saying all black people are gangsters. NOT TRUE. Its a stereotypical view.


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