What Fish Can Go In 5.3G


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
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land of the scots!
I have divided my betta tank into 3 now, so they have just over 5.3G each.
Any other fish i can add into the mix, they seem abit lonely and the tank also looks very bare :unsure:
Might add shrimp in 1 sections but, could cories fit in there?
There are currently 2 filter running in the tank, a main internal Interpet IPF 2 and a sponge filter.
Hi betta_246 :)

Most corys will be too big for that tank when they have matured but if you can find any dwarf corys, they will be fine. These species include C. pygmaeus, C. hastatus, and C. habrosus. :D
thanks for advice, i got help from another forum.
This is the list;

Section 1= Oscar betta & 6 pygmy cories
Section 2= Spikey betta & 5 red Cherry shrimp
Section 3= Sparkle betta & 4 khuli loach

~ :D
If I am reading this right, you have proposed placing 3 Betta splendens, 6 cories, 5 shrimp and 4 khuli loaches into just 16 gallons of water with poor swimming room for anything but the bettas. It sounds a bit too crowded to me but I like my fish to have room for swimming. I would avoid the place that gave you that advice.
If I am reading this right, you have proposed placing 3 Betta splendens, 6 cories, 5 shrimp and 4 khuli loaches into just 16 gallons of water with poor swimming room for anything but the bettas. It sounds a bit too crowded to me but I like my fish to have room for swimming. I would avoid the place that gave you that advice.

After asking multiple people, all said this idea was great. I also used the AqAdvisor, and it said the the full tank will be 80% full, so 20% spare (though i'm not going to fully stock it)

*-Khuli Loaches min tank size is 30l from what i have read, i have seen many betta divided tanks with khuli's, and there fine.
*-Pygmy cories are the smallest cories out of the Corydora family, and are fine in 5G
*-Shrimp are also fine


I wouldn't put fish in a tank that i thought were not suitable. As far as *avoiding* the other forum, i'm not going to comment on that matter.
How about small rasbora, galaxy's, microrasbora etc?
*-Khuli Loaches min tank size is 30l from what i have read, i have seen many betta divided tanks with khuli's, and there fine.

Hi betta-246 :)

The kuhlis will be your biggest problem. They are either very active or hiding in the sand. I have often seen them zip across the full length of the 55 gallon tank I keep them in. If they are confined in the small space you plan for them, they will have no place to go but up and down. This is likely to interfere with the betta.

A divided tank is a mixed blessing. While you have a larger volume of water to work with, you also have the confinement that the compartmentalizing brings. Since cross contamination is possible through the circulation of water, care must be taken to make each section ideal for the fish you put in it. Unlike having three different small tanks, stress or illness in one section can lead to trouble in the others. Therefore it's best to keep stocking to a minimum. The only fish that this kind of set up is actually benefiting are the bettas although I suspect the shrimp won't mind.
If I am reading this right, you have proposed placing 3 Betta splendens, 6 cories, 5 shrimp and 4 khuli loaches into just 16 gallons of water with poor swimming room for anything but the bettas. It sounds a bit too crowded to me but I like my fish to have room for swimming. I would avoid the place that gave you that advice.

Little bit extreme. To the OP, there will always be varying opinions of advice, I would take the majority and consider via experiences etc. Some will consider the space inadequate, others perfectly fine (I am of the latter). The only thing to really consider is be careful with the bettas themselves as they may not want tankmates and keep an eye on them when introducing. Best of luck x

p.s. Always to be considered is filtration of the tanks themselves and if they have live plants as well.
Thanks Inchworm and Amy,
As i said, given peoples comments on the other forum and there experiences, i am certain the loaches will be fine. I have not purchased any of the fish yet but will research fully before buying them.

I will not take the chance of the fish coming to harm, *just because* i muight wnat them, so thanks for the inputs. :good:
If I am reading this right, you have proposed placing 3 Betta splendens, 6 cories, 5 shrimp and 4 khuli loaches into just 16 gallons of water with poor swimming room for anything but the bettas. It sounds a bit too crowded to me but I like my fish to have room for swimming. I would avoid the place that gave you that advice.
i got banned for saying somethink like that and thats rich all the mods say its ok to keep a betta in a 1g tank with no fillter and heater but its not ok to keep 3 bettas and a few other fish like shrimp and pygmy corys that make hardly any waste in a 16g with heater and fillter. why not just divide it up for 16 males and take out the heater and fillter thats aparantly fine, isnt it?
I don't think that waste is the issue here. The divided tank has no space for swimming room. While this is fine for bettas, it isn't fine for active fish like corys or khuli loaches.

I would suggest an apple snail or some shrimp.
I 100% agree with drobbyb, tank space/swimming space is the issue.

I personally wouldn't put kuhlis in anything less than a 60cm x 30cm footprint. They're far too active as inchworm said.

I wouldn't put pygmys in anything less than 40cm x 30cm

Shrimps and nerite or apple snails would be perfect. You could have completely different species in each compartment. This would be great in the sense that many shrimp of similar species can interbreed, this causes 'relatively' ugly offspring. But if kept seperately it'd be fab. You could keep blue tigers, crystal reds and crystal blacks!

Just an idea...
What footprint does each section have?
Each Section Is:
L=22 cm
D=30 cm
H=30 cm

TBH, many sources say that these fish are fine to occupy the tank -_-

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