What does everyone use as a background

paint. it is the easiest because once you apply it will not reflect like many of the commercially available backgrounds will. acrylic works fine and i think tempera may work also but dont quote me on that.
I went to Homebase (UK DIY Store), and got about 5 different wallpaper samples over 3ft in length!! Some nice deep blues and purples, brought them home and chose my favorite, a very deep marine blue, with a streaky pattern. looks good.

One tank I used a Monet-like wrapping paper. Another tank I had no background and this one has a graduated bottom to top darker to lighter blue that the lfs sells off a roll.
I have used tissue paper...which is cool because you can layer it to create neat effects...I have also used colored card stock (you can buy big sheets at OfficeMax etc. , I have also used the commercially available backgrounds but they aren't very good for taking pictures because they are reflective...Right now my background for my 29 gallon is my wall...it is painted teal...LOL

I have an weird Alice in Wonderland poster on the wall behind my tank.... It's not exactly the Disney version either....But that doesn't seem to mind to my fishes :D
I use outdated calender art.My current fave is on my 5g.It's a print of dolphins swimming and all are wearing sunglasses.My kid had the idea and I love it :D

I got an odd off cut of cheap material from a local store. Dark blue but with a slight sheen. Got it stuffed down between tank and wall and cos it wrinked up a bit it gives it a sort of 3D effect like a relief.

Really neat :cool:
well.. i did eventualy change my 15.6 background.. but i was skint an couldnt get to an lfs..... sooooooo

i used a bin liner... looks good tho
I use construction paper (on smaller tanks), foil, or wrapping paper. I have glued on pictures of fish and stuff to the construction paper to make it look a little more decorative!
Guys sorry but what is the point of having background? Is it just for show or does it help the fish out? I would think they would be harder to see...
i like that cork tile, never seen that stuff before!

VulcanNinja, there are atleast 3 reasons off the top of my head. 1 to hide cords and HOB filters. 2 any fish that like caves and such will feel safer, they wont feel so out in the open. 3 some tanks look better with a background

about the tinfoil, i've used it before. i used brown spray paint on it... it does look better in person

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