What Do You Feed Your Fish/ Inverts?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2009
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Just wondering what everyone feeds their fish and what their feeding schedule is?

Mine are on marine flake once in the morning, frozen mysis, afternoon then flake again before lights out, they seem happy with this!
Mysis, blood worm, brine shrimp, cockle, shrimp that sort of thing - don't feed flake, oh also a bit of nori from time to time.

feed in the evening when i get home

Seffie x


ps - once every couple of weeks they fast
Good thread. I've been wondering what to get my fishies. Will get Forumula 1 & 2 pellets so far...looking into others :) Will read w/great interest :nod:
mysis, enriched brine, sometimes flakes the clowns like it.
Only feed mine at night, with a rotation of
Dainichi Pellets, Omega marine flakes, and mysis Shrimp.

Usually I'll give them some flakes and shrimp together, or the pellets and some shrimp. Some type of combo like that.

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