Currently my list of fish i have breed:
Fancy and feeder Guppy
Sailfin Molly
Molly X Sailfin Hybrid
Mesquito Fish

List I am currently trying or in future will try very soon:
Various Livebearers(new strain of guppy..coming very soon)
Various Corycats
Convict X hondoran red point hybrid
Convict X hondoran red point X Blood Parrot hybrid

I am currently using a 30,20,10 and 5 gallon for spawning...plus my outdoor pond for various livebears and coldwaterfish. :D
So far, I have bred Angelfish, 2 species of Corydoras, Platies, Guppies, Swordtails, and Red-Eye Tetras. None of these did I do anything to encourage them to.
I used to breed guppies but i was tired of them dying (I bought the cheap 35 cent feeder ones to breed and they couldnt handle stress :p ) And my cons laid eggs but i gave them away to a friend, and they have breed 2 times now and i have some fry :D. Right now im trying to breed my jack dempseys but im not having any luck :no: I might get some jewels soon and try to breed them :drool:
I breed my Pelvicachromis pulcher's (formerly known as Kribs). I am looking to breed some apistogramma cacatuoides (dwarf cockatoo cichlids). I just got ahold of a trio of wild cac's. I got a 2.5" wild blue male, a 1" yellow female, and a 1" blue/grey female. The male has a little red on his dorsal, anal, and tail fin, I guess making him a triple red. I'm looking to breed these with some a trio of tank raised triple red cac's from a local breeder. I've seen some of them and they have brilliant colouring on the fins, even some of the females. I'm going to have the wild male with the 2 tank-raised females and the tank raised male with the two wild females. My fry will be sold at the LFS I deal with, as I trust he will see they aren't sold for an unsuited tank/owner, and some will be sold at local auctions or through the local fish club.

I have platys that breed as well, but it has required no effort on my part.

My breeding Pulchers (FKA Kribs)

Some of my 10 week old Krib fry feasting on bloodworms

Wild Blue Male Cacatuoides, 1" platy fry, 1" blue/grey Wild Female Cacatuoides

Wild Blue Male Cacatuoides flared

Wild Yellow 1" Female Cacatuoides

Failures at betta and dwarf gourami breeding will try agian soon.

Successes (mild, since the mothers died and had only 30 fry, max) are guppies and platies.

Accidental success (though the fry all died in the end) zebra danios.
At the moment, only guppies (both fancy and feeder, spice up those bloodlines lol). I'm going to try my hand at bettas once I get a heater for the tank, and once I get the guppies going well enough I'll use their tank for trying the cories out. Eventually once I get things set up right I'm going to try oddballs, like PSG or dwarf puffers.
Well im only just getting into breeding fish, i have 2 breeding trios of electric yellows, ( i only got them about 2 weeks ago) but soon as my garge is setup how me and my dad want it, the plan is to breed rams, apistos and discus and maybe kribs and sell them out of our garge, hopefully start a shop. but i can only wish.
Im sick of breeding Cichlids cause when they do the rip apart the tank and you cant clean it cause they attack you.
I've successfully bred guppies and snails, that's about it right now. I used to have a pregnant female platy, but she died. Once my angels and convicts are old enough I will give them a try. (about 6 months old for both) And I just got a green terror from my brother, and I was thinking about getting him a female to breed them, but what do you guys think about green terror breeding? (easy/hard, tips?) And I was thinking about possibly breeding discus in my 75 gal, tips also welcome for that.
the last thing i bred wer my betta the babys are now just over a week old

in the past ive bred livebearers

an one day will try angles and gouramis
i bred panda cories until the parents died! Hope to be getting into c. Aeneus and c. Paleatus or whatever they're called. I am currently working on Platys who actually wont breed.
I'm hopping to breed Discus in the comeing months(I hope). :kana: :flex:

Daveo :fish: :fish: :fish:
:fish: :fish: :fish:

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