pairs that I've had actually spawn:
Convict male and female
Convict female and Honduran Red Point male
Thorichthys sp. 'Mixteco blue' male and Thorichthys aureum 'gold' female
Red terror (festae) male and female
The only ones that I took the time to raise were the convicts. the 2 hybrid pairs formed in my 150 cichlid community. The tank is quite tall and it would have been very difficult to remove the fry. Besides, the Thorichthys pair's eggs were not fertilized and I'd have only removed the con/HRP fry to raise as feeders so it wasn't worth the trouble. My main focus is with the festae pair. They've spawned several times now, but only a few eggs have hatched each time. Also, each time the eggs hatched, the male went psycho on the female causing her to retreat behind the divider. I've now built a 'breeding box' so to speak so hopefully they'll spawn close to it and I'm going to put a complete divider to keep the male away once the eggs are fertilized. I'm also working on lowering the water hardness so that hopefully more eggs will fertilize next time.
Groups of juvenile cichlids I have awaiting maturity and pairs to form:
Thorichthys helleri
Thorichthys sp. 'Mixteco Gold'
Thorichthys sp. 'Mixteco Blue' (I have only a definite male and female, but they don't get along very well at the moment. I don't think she's fertile yet.)
Thorichthys sp. 'Mixteco Green'
Herichthys sp. 'Rio Salto'
Theraps wesseli
Nandopsis grammodes
Pelvicachromis taeniatus 'Wouri' (might sell these soon...I think I'd rather have a pair of Cryptoheros cutteri)
Cryptoheros sajica (long shot...only have 2 so the odds of having a male and female aren't very good)
Amphilophus robertsoni
Albino bristlenose plecs (I'm so used to only listing cichlids that I forgot about these