What did you do on Saturday night?


Fish Crazy
Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
First you go to your local builders yard or garden centre where they sell slate for paths etc and persuade the man there to let you rummage through their sample bags and help yourself to some suitable sized pieces - FOR FREE!

You can also buy "pagoda stones" from Maidenhead Aquatics. These are the light brown ones in the picture. I bought 4 for £1!

Blag a tube of silicon sealant from Narayan or swap some fishy items for a tube - at worst it will cost less than a fiver if you have to buy the silicon.

Arrange stones and glue with silicon... Hey presto!

Pictures of my fish houses

I'm particularly pleased with the one on its own - it has a front opening, 2 back doors AND a window!
Thanks! I like the fact that they're INCREDIBLY cheap to make. I looked at similar rock arrangements made of plastic in Pets at Home which they were charging £10 for and had a nasty flat back with moulding marks and I'm SO glad I didn't buy one.

I also got as high as a kite on the fumes from the silicon and had a lot of fun!

i bought 3 big pieces of slate fromt he garden centre, rockery department, 99p per piece.

got home, got the hammer a chisel out and ten minutes later had enough bits of slate for all four tanks.

now all i needs the silicone

great idea, thanks for sharing
Very nice :) Thats a great idea and would definately save me time restacking rocks after water changes :thumbs:
if you sold these (on aquabid or whatever) how much you think you could get outa them? (see my other thread about me looking for cheap easy things to make/sell kuz im a poor college student)
I use a lot of slate, but you have to be very careful with it, it can have some very sharp edges.
What can i slate is that? the blue sort. I (in the US0 have only seen the flagstone or brown variety here. i like that color, reminds me of freshmikes awesome aquariums! :)
what sort of silicon sealant (is it a special sort ?) ?? and where do i get it from ? what's Narayan ??

so many questions hehe

but i want my fish to have a cute home too ~*!~ :D
My girlfriend and I just made a fish house tonight. I'll try to get pictures up if I can get a digital image of it. It's awesome what a little slate and silicon will do.
dont have a prob here getting deep blue slate :D the hills are full of it here.It use to be the main industry (funny how you never use whats on your door step :X )

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