Building a large tank.

smockit said:
fozzy wozzy please keep use up dated looks like you got a good idea
are you puting industrial wheels under it?
well i am going to aquire.... :D the delivery crates from the local store..just incase i decide to move...... sorry the test glass pictures are not here to night but but i forgot the cim card in the camera....please dont abuse me tonight it is now 02.17 in the morning and i have been out on the razzzzzz since 14:00 today.... and played with the police,,,,, they are fun... well until you get CS'd sp iam a bit pssssst and a bit sore in the eyes

thank you

fozzy wozzy woo.

hey... if you do a search on what do you see??
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: please i am havibg fun....... :sick: :sick:

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