What could I put in this tank?


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
1.5 gallon bowl with big surface area.

I was hoping for something other than I betta please!

It has no heater or filter but has light and I can add an air stone if needed. The tank has 2 clay pots and a few small, fake foreground plants.

I was thiking white clouds or maybe an african dwarf frog. Can afd live without a heater?
Hi Auratus :)

You could keep two African Dwarf Frogs quite comfortably in there. :nod: Do be certain that you keep it well covered, though, because they can and will jump. :eek:

I had two, but one disappeared--must have jumped, but I never found him--and I am trying to find another to replace him. They are nice little pets. :thumbs:

Just be sure you do not accidently buy an African Clawed Frog by mistake. They're good, too, but will soon outgrow the bowl. :rolleyes:
Oh, no worries there! They are illegal in ca.

Ok, there wont be a lid on the tank so I guess those guys are out. I heard guppies can live without a heater or filter. Is this true? I will probably end up getting some white clouds.
If its warm inside your house you can certainly keep guppies without a heater but they will die if there temp fluctuates too fast. Also If you have no filter and whont have a top why not get a plant to help pull some of the stuff out of the water.

Auratus said:
Oh, no worries there! They are illegal in ca.

Ok, there wont be a lid on the tank so I guess those guys are out. I heard guppies can live without a heater or filter. Is this true? I will probably end up getting some white clouds.
Hi Auratus :)

Do you mean the African Clawed Frogs are illegal? Or, the Dwarfs? :unsure:

If you can get them, you could always get a small piece of glass or plastic to use as a cover. The dwarf frogs are really nice and worth the trouble to accommodate them. :cool:
Guppies can live without a heater but only as long as the temperature doesn't get too low. Obviously you can't keep the fish bowl near a door, the draft from outside can get cold even in areas like california that don't get as cold as up in the northeast. Guppies would probably need an airstone in with them as they are not air breathers like bettas. Also, no matter what goes in the bowl you need to do frequent water changes as the water will get high in levels of ammonia and other toxins.
guppies without heater or filter might not be the best idea... they tend to get diseases in cooler water..... try some ghost shrimp... i had them in a non heated bowl for awhile.... theyre neat little critters.. and cheap too .. only 29 cents american each :D
I have ghost shrimp. I have four in my 18 gallon. I paid $.20 a piece for them I have also had african dwarf frogs in a ten gallon before. I might just pay the ten dollars for one of those gallon hex tanks and get some guppies. I think they come in like 2 gallons and stuff to. one with a built in light is $20.00.
Remember a beta is always a chocice people say they need heaters a such but mine didnt and hes lived in a vase for like 6 months but now i have him in my 10 gal hes doing awsome, you menchined somethin about them but i didnt understand, or somethin you cuold do it plant it alot but bulbs from wal-mart like 2 packs full and drop them in and then you can have a plant tank and grow your plants and move them to other tanks(sounds handy im gonna do it when i can get a 2 gallon or 5 gallon) well good luck
hi i live in california and i was wondering where you get ghost shrimp for only 20 cents?!!
Auratus said:
....I might just pay the ten dollars for one of those gallon hex tanks and get some guppies. I think they come in like 2 gallons and stuff to. one with a built in light is $20.00.
If you're thinking of upgrading, you could probably get a whole 10 gallon starter kit for around $28. The stores around here sell them for that. This includes a tank, hood with light, pump, box filter, filter floss, gravel and even a booklet about fish and some fish food. For the money, it's a good value. :thumbs:

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