What are your pets?

My fish and a cat Gypsy. :kewlpics:


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- about 400-500 flowerhorn fries
- 28 adult flowerhorns
- 3 bettas
- 3 ranchus
- 3 pearl scales gf

1 senior akita
1 Old English Sheepdog *****
1 neutered senior stray cat


here's mimi posing :lol:


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Beside all my fish, I have one African Dwarf Frog, 5 African Clawed Frogs and one cat called Pandora. :D
((R = rescued, P = purchased, G = Gift - yea I know, I hate people who give animals as gifts too, particularly when they give them to me. Thanks for the responsibility -_- lol))

Morgan - Cairn Terrier - Male/Nuetered - P
Leo - Moggie (mixed) Cat - Male/Nuetered - R
Charlie - Ferret - Male/Nuetered - R
Luna - Ferret - Male/Intact - R
Rosalinda - Tarantula - Female - R
Lapines and Rodents
Darwin - Angora Mix - Male/Intact - R
Brindam - Cottontail Hybrid - Male/Intact - R
Widget - Gerbil - Female - R
Auhlae - Gerbil - Female - Widget's Child
Anja - Mouse (albino) - Female - R
Tosha - Mouse (albino) - Female - R
Lucia - Mouse (albino) - Female - R
Nadja - Mouse (albino) - Female - R
Vladek - Mouse (tan/white) - Male - R
Aspen - Green Cheeked Conure - ? - G (Unnnngh.)
Pretty Bird - Red Lored Amazon - Male - R
Jesus - Zebratail/Burmese Hybrid - Male - Bred/reared by me
Velveeta - Parakeet - Female - P
Theto - Parakeet - Male - R
Sigma - Parakeet - Female - R
Krelli - Hen - Female (duh) - R
Dickey Barett - VT Betta - Male - P
Sealink - Betta - Female - P/R
Tiny Tim - VT Betta - Male - P/R
Pulpul - VT Betta - Male - P/R
Lug - VT Betta - Male - P/R
Shyboy - VT Betta - Male - P/R
Bronwin - Goldfish - ? - P
Grizraz - Goldfish - ? - P
Tangaloor Firefins - Goldfish - ? - P
Reebum - Chinese Algae Eater - ? - P

Good god, I do HOPE that's everyone.

If you want more info on everyone, I have the entire story of how I got each animal, what they are like, what they look like, etc. at the link below. There are also some pictures of the birds, fish, dog, and cat. Here's a teaser of my rabbit Darwin as a baby while I was still bottle feeding him:

This thread proves one thing, we love our pets. Animals are excellent company, they love trust and are faithful to you, they don't ask questions, answer back or argue with you, I was going to say dont cause arguments but I am always getting in to trouble for dirty paw marks, cats catching rabbits and the poultry pooooooo....ing all over the paths...lol.. :-
I have 2 cats. One is a DSH orage tabby (Simba) and the other is a siamese calico (Sky). Sky is 6 months old and Simba is 2 years. I'll post a picture and story of how I got Sky and Simba's story later. I have no picture for Sky...she's kind of sick. She has an upper respitory infection but is recovering.


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I have one dog, a 10 year old chow mix. We found him as a puppy being chased down the street by some kids. We tried to find his owner, but were unable to so we decided to keep him. We also have a cat we took in 5 years ago when her owner went into a nursing home and the owner's daughter just turned her two cats and dog loose to fend for themselves. After the dog was hit by a car and killed we grabbed the cats, and found a home for one with a relative and kept the other. I also have a 12 year old Persian, (my baby). She was two when her owner had a baby and decided to have her put to sleep (the cat not the baby)!!! We were able to take her and have spoiled her rotten, she is the ruler of our home. She has a piece of carpet lying on the desk next to the aquarium and she loves to lay there and watch the fish. They don't pay her any attention.
Besides my 5 gallon fish tank containg a male betta, three dwarf rainbows, and 2 otos, and the two fish bowls with two more bettas in them I have other pets.
I have a yellow labrador retriever who is turning eleven this year :) Her name is Abby.
I have two cats two cats too! Mud and Molly. They are brother and sister and I love them to death. The picture below is of Mud and it was taken this year. He is crazy and loves hair elastics and hiding under the couch.


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Ok, I have one male betta fish, one female maltichon dog (bichon maltese cross), one male teddy-bear guinea pig, and one male cockatiel.
We have four cats (Gypsy, Ginger, Isabelle, and Angel), two guinea pigs (Merlin and Sparky), one hamster (Lucy), one bird (Katie), one green anole (Mercedes), one albino African clawed frog (Popcorn), one normal African clawed frog (Avocado), one White's treefrog (Roy), one ornate horned toad (Haracha), and one brown anole (Porsche). Erm, I think that's all of them. Oh yeah, I also have a beagle named Duster who lives on my aunt's farm, and a New Zealand red rabbit named Bugs.

The majority of their pictures are at http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=82620. :)

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