What are your pets?

I have:
--too many livebearers
--exactly 46 fry (probably close to a hundred by tomorrow :rolleyes: )
--8 bottomfeeders
--1 Green frog
--1 Bullfrog-to-be
--1 Pacman frog
--1 Baby Box turtle
--1 baby anole (lizard)
--1 cat
--1 furry goddess (often mistaken for a cat, but this is not so according to her)
--1/2 dog
--1 wierd space alien thing--it's SUPPOSED to be 1/2 of a dog, but I don't know...
(the 1/2 dog + the other 1/2 "dog" = one whole dog)
--1 good twin (I'm to evil to have an evil twin)

Here's a few pics:

Wierd space-alien thing (See her ears? Those are actually gigantic satellite dishes that pick up signals from the mother ship):

This is Sasha kitty--she's actually slightly normal. slightly.

Here's the furry goddess (careful you don't mistake her for a "pet"--she HATES that!!):

My pacman frog (he's gonna be as big as a baseball glove when he's full grown!):

Aaaannd my baby Box Turtle, Verena (ain't she a cutie?):

I don't have any more pictures at the moment, but maybe I'll post some more later...
-Hundreds of fish
-1 dog (German Shepperd)
-2 dogs (American Cocker Spaniel)
-3 dogs (Pomeranian)
-2 tortoise (Indian Star)
-2 Tortoise ( i dont know what species are they)
Dwarfs said:
Besides all of my many fish, I have
3 lizards (Golden gecko, moorish/crocodile gecko, and an anole)
1 Dog
4 Eastern spotted newts
2 Firebellied toads
3 African dwarf frogs
And my mom has 2 cats.
Me and my dad combined have around 60-70 fish, me having the majority (40ish) :D
:grr: :sly: :whistle:

He also has me and 2 little bros. :lol: :p :lol:
Angry_Platy said:
I HAVE...besides the fish...

1 female cat (human really) Gizmo.....tabby tortoiseshell
1 male dog (hunting master) Mac...Jack Russell Terrorist
1 female sulfur crested cockatoo....Rufus (thinks she is a dog)

Terrorist... :lol: My cousin has two of them as well... two too many.. ;) :lol:
Hmmm that space alien of yours Never2B looks like a pooch I used to have called Rolo.
I got her from the people who I used to work for, they used to take her to work but kinda got fed up of her getting in their way so I offered to take her.
Unfortunatly once my now 7 year old daughter was old enough to get about and pester the dog the dog got fed up and snapped at my daughter, I didn't want to take the risk of Rolo hurting my daughter so we gave her away to a family without young children. (Shame I really liked that dog!)
Bichirkeeper, my cat looks just like lefty.

I have 3 fish tanks with about 25 fish total.
My sister has a gerbil
We have a coi pond in th backyard.
I have 2 cats the first one is rebel 5 years. He loves me and only me no-one dare tought him!, he is half wild and prone to sucking my jumpers while i am still in them.


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My second cat is NEO he is 3 years old this march. He is slightly timid, hate his photo taken and is a lap cat and my resident fly catcher.


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