What are your pets?

These are all pretty much family pets, we each sort of have some that are just ours, but we all take care of them (except the fish, unless I go away).

Princess- German Shep/Husky (maybe some tiny amount of wolf, we don't know.) She's going on 16 this spring and can't really walk that well after a running over inccident. She's gone from a dog that wasn't supposed to like cats to a dog that had kittens laying all over her, and ferrets running between her feet. My dog, but only respects my mother.

Toto- Strange little mutt thing that looks even cuter than Toto on the Wizard of Oz, sounds like a grizzly when she growls, crows like a rooster when strangers come to the door, and is always ready to 'get those rats!', even though she never kills them. Also loves kitties. Brothers dog.

Jack- Orange and white DSH cat who talks too much and likes to sleep with me. Brother to my old cat Ghost, who died in August, and to sisters Psycho and Shriver, who we still have, Abby who is a confirmed cow bitter (long story, gave her to a friend, she bit his dad, ended up on a farm, killed the lead cat of their gang and then attacked a cow :crazy: ) and the other girl who we gave away. Technically my brothers cat, after his first went psycho.

Kali- Calico who showed up at our door only a few weeks before we moved, just had to have one last tryst with a male stray that we couldn't catch and ended up having Squeaks, Darth Vader, Python and Snotty. Snotty went to friend who had to give Abby to the farm, Darth went to a girl at a flea market, Squeaks went to my other friend who ened up having to give her to a nurse that took care of her mom before she died. Still have Python, who tried to kill Jack, so now has to be kept separate. Then she Had Yoda after Jack snuck into the place where we were keeping the girls (or maybe it was Ghost -_- ) and out popped Yoda. Ended up having to hand feed him, my friend who took Squeaks took him too, but her evil sister had him put to sleep :angry: (still plotting on that one :sly: ) She loves her head rubbed, and has a funny sort of pug nose. She's technically my cat now that Ghost has given up the ghost.

Shriver- Gray calico who loves my friend who took Squeaks and Yoda, she won't really warm up to me, but likes everyone else (go figure).

Psycho- Hates all other cats, and has the lungs to prove it. If you want to know what a woman sounds like while being murdered, just stick her next to another cat. Other than that, she loves people and dogs. Even big strange German Sheps who stick their nose in her face. Brothers sort of ex cat, but he still wants her (I know it).

Python- Great cat, but so freaking annoying because he constantly wants pet to the point where he is annoying. Also has a habit of using his claws and teeth to get your attention, but doesn't understand why we don't like that... :rolleyes:

Luna- Moms cockatiel, okay, but loves mom more than anyone.

Two White-lipped Tree frogs- just got these a little bit ago, I like the light green one, and they sound like little turkey calls when they croak.

This list is in no way going to stay like this, as we seem to attract animals like Noah's ark, which needless to say drives my mother absolutely insane (oh she knows she likes it....) Oh, if anyone wants Shriver or Python, take them please!!! We've tried to find these guys home since they were kittens but no one wants them. They are great cats, but you know how people are. We wouldn't even have had them if people hadn't dumped the moms off, and we've tried our best to get them homes without taking them to the shelter, since we live in a smallish sort of place, and people can just get free kittens out of the paper. Not to push, but take them!!!
uhhh letsee. I am owned by:

2 birds ( a lovebird and a strawberry finch)
1 snake (albino california king)
and 1 dog - Maggie


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We have presently 7 cats! Shy is our oldest she was a stray that we found hiding in our shed last winter when it was like 20 below zero F, she is grey and white with long hair and double paws, from there it was a population explosion! She had a litter of kittens and only one survived and that was because my fiance bottle fed her until she could make it on her own. So we decided to name her SHMILY (see how much i love you) Unfortunately SHMILY is a not so nice girl due to being orphaned and a singleton she never learned social skills and is quite tempermental. Shy had another litter in the summer - all of which died :( She had another litter in april 4 very very healthy babies and the most gorgeous kittens I had ever seen - we successfully got rid of 3 babies and kept one for us his name is Twister the name doesnt really fit him to well because he is the most calm cat I have ever seen - he is black with just a speck of white under his chin (can hardly see it) long hair and if there is such thing as triple pawed I am sure he is....lol (his paws are huge!) He is a very big boy only 8 months old and already weighing in at 9.7 pounds. Then over the summer Shmily had a litter only two survived - successfully placed one in a home and kept one male - his name is Storm he is a wiry little chit all grey short hair but he is my lap cat- always wanting attention. Shy had another litter of 5 kittens all of which were placed in great homes, and Shmily just had another litter as well 3 little cuties - which we are currently looking to find homes for. Oh and I am sure I know what you all are thinking get those cats fixed!! well we have started the process but its gonna have to be one by one as it can add up real quick. We also have a dog his name is Boomer ( after Dufus Boomer - I think his first name should have been Dufus.....lol) Boomer is a Border Collie Chow Mix - absolutely Gorgeous dog and very smart(when he wants to be....lol) I also have a few fish and hmmmmmmmmm do children count? I have 3.....lol Anyway thats my happy little clan! :D
I share my humble abode with...

a greyhound (Pixie) - rescue dog - lovliest beastie in the world!
2 black gerbils - Simon and Beetroot
lots of fish

...and soon to be sharing with a hamster (new housemate moving in and bringing her hamster with her)
and a turtle called Dude.
3 dogs (Rottweiler, Toller and Dachshund)
2 firebellied toads
1 blue lobster
2 bettas
6 swordtails
3 danios
3 plattys
2 red arrow tetras
Ones that are mine:
1 Pomeranian
4 bettas
8 guppies
1 Ball Python
2 Hermit Crabs

Others that I just live with (not mine):
2 Pomeranians
1 Schipperke
1 Albino Corn snake
2 bettas
2 cats
aside from the watery creatures, I have a gerbil named Dublin and two cats (the boy Keiko, and the girl Loki)

<-----Cat nerd.

These are the kittles sleeping on my boyfriend.


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yossie_ika said:
wowwww......did he even know that you took this picture???
lol yeah... he briefly opened his eyes and grunted, then keiko (the little orange guy) gave a half attempt at a meow. it was cute.
awww cute kitties sleepin :rolleyes:

i have:
2 kittens at about a year old; Willow - the fat cat, and Bramble - the feather lol.
Numerous fish
3 mice, 2 girls : Cream and Zee, 1 male - Minx
3 macleays spectre stick insects... (one small, medium and large)

should hopefully get some pics soon of the animals ... so will post em :D specially the stick insects... they dont hardly move so easily posable for le camera :D lol
I have two dogs:

Emma, apricot poodle bichon cross, spayed female, pound rescue
Alec, black poodle, neutered male,


and two cats:
Hobbes, DSH, neutered male (Orange tabby)
Calvin, DSH, neutered male (mostly white with two different colored eyes)
These two are brothers

Hi all,

Well to start off i am on my bros e-mail cause mine won't let me in.

I have

4x female mollies
1x male molly
12x baby mollies
10x rabbit
1x GP
60x budgies
and all my brothers fish. :D

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