What are you doing today?

@Rocky998 I haven’t heard anything about your Peacock Gudgeons in a long time . Do you still keep them ? Do you have any new fry ?
Two sadly died for unknown and bizarre cases so I have 4 left.
I was shocked when those two died... It didn't make sense. They showed 0 signs of distress and then one day, boom, I woke up to one dead.

But the 4 I have now are thriving. Especially my large male.
@Rocky998 I haven’t heard anything about your Peacock Gudgeons in a long time . Do you still keep them ? Do you have any new fry ?
Two sadly died for unknown and bizarre cases so I have 4 left.
I was shocked when those two died... It didn't make sense. They showed 0 signs of distress and then one day, boom, I woke up to one dead.

But the 4 I have now are thriving. Especially my large male.
Oh, thankfully no more fry lol.
Completed my first FG knot
I came across this rather handsome fellow while out on a trail run last night. It was lying in the trail quite lethargically, attempting to find some warmth after a long thunderstorm. He ignored me, and I left him alone.
there is a leak in the top basin of my backyard pond. I dug up about 100 Jon Fannick Phlox yesterday that need given away, sold or replanted on the east side. and it's quit raining so I can treat the bees. Fixing the pond leak first, they drink at that pond, I don't want company during the fix
if the 2 that died were smaller males I have an idea what happened. I was looking at Sterbai corydoras last week. How hardy are those?
Both females
@WhistlingBadger better start carrying a .22 pistol with bird shot loads with you on those trail runs .
A big stick works pretty well. But usually if they're content to leave me alone, I'm content to return the favor. I only kill them if I need a snakeskin for something, but I am amply supplied at the moment. So it was his lucky day. Or maybe mine. :lol:
I got a box of 1000 marbles in the mail to put at the bottom of the tank I'm going to try and breed Aphyocharax rathbuni in. Knock on wood it'll work this time, but I have no idea how to tell if there are any eggs down in there.

If this doesn't work I'm going to move them to the big tank and try an easier species like glowlight or ember tetra- those are supposed to be easy to breed. I picked one that's not as easy (big surprise lol).
I got a box of 1000 marbles in the mail to put at the bottom of the tank I'm going to try and breed Aphyocharax rathbuni in. Knock on wood it'll work this time, but I have no idea how to tell if there are any eggs down in there.

If this doesn't work I'm going to move them to the big tank and try an easier species like glowlight or ember tetra- those are supposed to be easy to breed. I picked one that's not as easy (big surprise lol).
I've never used marbles as a substrate. How well do they work? Just seems to me that the ease of crud sifting though would make the substrate hard to keep clean. :dunno:

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