What are my odds?

Or just tell her you've ALWAYS had that fish and it was being too aggressive in your other tank so you had to separate it. ;)
BettaMomma said:
For who the hell knows what reason, I just went to WalMart. OKay, well I thought MAYBE they'd have some BettaMax. I still don't know if they have any - I got too consumed by one of the bettas in one of the DEATHTRAP cups.
I went to a fish shop one day and they had lots of lovely siamese fighting fish but the only thing was that they were in little boxes. No doubt dying. What horrible size tanks for fighters to be put in. I didn't get one, i have got a tank, but it wouldn't be very happy. Itt's a species tank with a SAP. But now it's got a Dragon Puffer in.
BettaMomma said:
Okay, okay - i'm just going to keep thinking in my MIND that they have a back room. :(

Here's the new guy - you can see his dorsal fin is in pretty tough shape.

And in his new tank:


I (changed his name now to Jasper) and I already adore him to bits. :wub:
He LOVES to hide out under the plants and in the little hidey cave I got for him.
That's what my sisters betta looks like. She was going to get a really red one but someone bought it as soon as we asked for it.

TYPICAL :dunno:
Sorry to be going on and on, but you know your betta, Bettamomma. Does he play dead on plants. Mine does. Hes not in my tank now. He's in my grandads but he still plays dead in plants. He's really funny I think.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You guys crack me up. I would have never guessed a few months ago when I got a fish for our space at work that I'd become so addicted to rescuing fishies. Yesterday, one of my co-workers came over to see Jasper and he asked me if I was going to convert my overhead cabinets to fishtanks. heh heh

Jasper is now hiding in his little cave - but I'm beginning to think that I should get those meds in there pronto. He's laying on the bottom of the tank with his fins clamped. I'm going to go with the Maracyn Two - just in case he's got an infection, and it will also start working on his fins. The poor little dear just lays on the bottom. I'd think by now he'd start at least swimming around and hiding, but he just slowly moves from one place to another and then stops.

Off I go to cut up tablets! :D

OH, Gimli - he doesn't necessarily play dead on plants, but he does hide under one tiny little leaf on one of the plants. He thinks I can't see him but the plant really only covers about 10% of him. It's hilarious. :fun:
My crowntail used to "hide" from me when I first got him. He would sit under a small overhang of driftwood and stare at me with this "you can't see me!" look on his face. :rolleyes: Try enticing Jasper with some live food. See if that sparks his curiousity to come see you when you apporoach his tank! Sure worked for little Spike. :wub: Now he does the happy-betta-dance every time I approach the tank. :lol:

Raechal, don't give me any good ideas! I just might use them... :shifty: :whistle:
Jasper looks so pitiful - he hasn't really swam around and looked at his new place yet.
It seems like he's just barely getting by - I have the meds in his tank now so I hope that helps him. :(

Hmm - just after I entered this post he did take a lap around his tank and stopped right in front of his cave - so I guess he is moving a bit, but he's sitting perfectly still on the bottom and hasn't come up for air in almost 20 minutes. How long can they go w/out coming up for air??
Had to drop off a friend @ the airport this morning, and had a few minutes to kill before i went back to work. i went to walmart. i looked through the 20 or so bettas they had on the shelf.

The poor pitiful little guy from Sunday. His cup was shoved in the back - behind EVERYBODY else. Ya think that was a coincidence? I don't think so. I was going to get him, but he's so puffed up and pineconed he probably won't make it more than a couple more days now. I can't deal with yet another heartache right now so I did the next best thing.

I pulled his little cup off the shelf, gave him a hug, put him on the little counter where they keep their supplies, grabbed a black permanent marker (which was conveniently laying right there, score for me) and wrote VERY SICK on the top of the container. Waved goodbye to him and left.

SO, now they can't just stick him back on the shelf - they have to either put him into a different container or take care of him. It's not much consolation but at least something will finally have to be done with him. At least now I know his final fate. Unfortunately.

I also picked up several of the feedback forms you can get from customer service. :-(
:-( I have been following your thread with great interest Betta momma, im so happy that you were able to rescue 1 little guy at least. Its such a shame that there arent more like you, its a good thing you did in marking the cup and god willing then the place will actually do something for that poor guy. It makes me so angry to thing human beings could treat something as beautiful, tiny and precious, with such indifference. It's sickening :angry: still i hope your little guy picks up, he's in the best of care :)

all the very best with him


Well, Jasper is definitely on the mend. He's not darting around at all now, he has his color back, his fins are unclamped AND he's stopped swimming in circles. He's even eating!
His face and gills still do have some gray color, but he's much better than he was. I will post some pics when I have sometime tomorrow.
:D :D Glad to hear that Jasper is finally on the mend well done to you Bettamomma :lol:
Thanks :)
If TLC and attention could cure fish, I'd have to open a fishy saving business.
I love him to death. I'm surprised sometimes he doesn't reach up and pull a little curtain across the front of his tank so I will stop staring at him.
tee hee hee

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