What are my odds?

Yeah, he's actually having a ball in there now.
He's swimming around and trying to eat the new gravel. LOL
Good thing he doesn't have a big mouth like his BettaMomma does


I think he's gonna do just fine.
He's trying to figure out what the heck the heater is right now. heh heh
They don't have a "back room" at Walmart...from what I can tell they don't "treat" fish there....or I've never seen them do it before.
Why would they waste money on treating fish? The profits they make on one will buy enough to fill up the shelves, I can almost guarentee.
When I moved my betta into the 10 gallon from a 1 gallon bowl he was pushed all the way down to the gravel by the filter the first day or so. Now he swims right by it and kind of "shows it whos' boss" :p He has also "claimed" the cave that I have in there for the ghost shrimp. :lol:

I'm sorry that he wasn't there, but atleast you got another little boy. :D Any name ideas for the little fella yet?
Okay, okay - i'm just going to keep thinking in my MIND that they have a back room. :(

Here's the new guy - you can see his dorsal fin is in pretty tough shape.

And in his new tank:


I (changed his name now to Jasper) and I already adore him to bits. :wub:
He LOVES to hide out under the plants and in the little hidey cave I got for him.
Looks like my little boy! Except mine is darker. Mine had a really bad case of fin rot when I got him so I isolated him in a 10 gallon (he was in the 29 gal community) and treated him there with melafix. His tail grew back so pretty. It has black ridges all around the ends and hints of purple/blue as well. He never had that before, but after he healed up he brightened up to my surprise!

My little sister had her betta in the 29 gallon and after cleaning the filter I forgot to stick the small closing end piece on the bottom of the intake tube and her betta got sucked up and died. :-( I freaked out and felt so bad and started crying so I rushed out to the LPS and bought one that looked as close as her old betta. It looked like hers in that little cup, but when I got him home he started showing greenish/yellow specs on his body. :crazy: Hehe. I had to tell her he truth and she was sad but she appreciated that I got her a new one.

Then we just kept him in the 10 gallon with some ghost shrimp. :thumbs:
These pics are really deceiving - in real life, he's gray, period.
He doesn't have really any coloring on him except his fins have a twinge of holographicness, if that makes sense.

He's being very sneaky over there in his tank.
I don't think he's used to a person being near him, whatsoever - ever.
When I walk away from my desk (and peek around the corner to see what he's doing) he comes out and swims about a little bit, but otherwise he's nestled under the plants or just hanging out in one spot sort of like he's on another planet.

All my other fish were pretty active when I had first gotten them, but he's not. He's being very still. I hope as his tank warms up he gets to be more active and feeling better. I also hope his fin grows back, at least somewhat.

I also didn't realize hiw big he is in comparison to Amos or Harvey. He's kind of a giant - his body is huge and his fins are half rotted off so he doesn't seem as long as he would be with a full set of fins, but they'll come I think.


Sorry to hear about your sister's betta - it was very noble of you to try to replace it. I'm sure she appreciated the fact that you got another one.
yea, it might just take him awhile. Maybe he is in shock like, "How did I get in such a beautiful place like this?!"

I mean if you were living in a tiny closet and one day someone picked you up and dropped you in a mansion wouldn't you be a little freaked out? :wub: ;)
Yes, I certainly would!
He's now up top and in front.
He's stariing at me - and as soon as I turned to look at him he swam away.
I'm sure he thought...

MAN.... how cool it is to be able to swim more than one inch and not bang my nose on the side of the tank! yeehaw!

He's hiding under his one leaf again.
That cracks me up so much - he thinks I can't seem him.
BettaMomma said:
Yes, I certainly would!
He's now up top and in front.
He's stariing at me - and as soon as I turned to look at him he swam away.
I'm sure he thought...

MAN.... how cool it is to be able to swim more than one inch and not bang my nose on the side of the tank! yeehaw!

He's hiding under his one leaf again.
That cracks me up so much - he thinks I can't seem him.
Lol I have a small amazone sword in my 29 gallon and my green cory ALWAYS sits under this one leave. Like when they get startled from a loud noise or something all of the other fish will take cover BEHIND the plants. The green cory just sits under a leaf and everyone can see him. It always cracks me up, he is so cute. :p

I'm sure he'll start being his true self once he gets settled and "moves in" :D :thumbs:

Now you're making me want to get a betta!
OOoOooh, sorry.

Tis very addictive.

He's back under his leaf again.
That just cracks me up. The funniest thing about it is that he's only half under it, and he's facing the other direction so I can see ALL of him. LOL
I certainly will ;)
I hope he decides to stop hiding pretty soon.
The poor dear looks completely petrified and almost like he's dying in there.

I'm SUCH a paranoid betta momma - I need to just go home and let him have some peace and quiet for the night. I'm sure i'll scare the tar out of him when I come in tomorrow. :unsure:
Aaaaaaahhh!!! *must...resist...urge...to...rescue...another...betta* :lol: Stop writing such great stories! I'm starting to get the betta-buying-urge again! Lol... mom would kill me. -_- Hmmmm... I wonder if I could tell her that one of the guppies grew really long fins or something.... :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:
Just tells your mom that they are 100% Giant guppies and hard to find. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:

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