sorry i did not understand before but are u saying that thr fluvel4 acts as a air pump too.
sorry i did not understand before but are u saying that thr fluvel4 acts as a air pump too.
Argh!!loates123 said:thanks for the help think i am going to go for a air fitler one of that link u gave me cheese.
i prefer these as they take up less room plus i have a filter anyway
LOLloates123 said:ok thanks i did noy relise my filter was not pumping fast enough it costed me over £100
so if i go with the fluvel 4 it will be a air pump and another filter but all in one. think i have got ya now...
Are you still wanting to keep hillstream loaches? You will not be able to without a proper pump.loates123 said:ok thanks i may leave them out if i knew about the filter i would of got the cheaper one to late now tho...
i am debateing if to get the fluvel4 or to get a air pump i really want a tressure chest in my tank for the kids
looks good if i ordered this would i just need the chest and cable..
mate i am gratetful for your help and am reading your posts just that i am a newbie to keeping fish.
A fluval 4 is not an air pump, it just has a device that allows for air to be pushed into the water, called 'venturi'.loates123 said:thanks can u explain this bit please ( stone ?bubble?)
To keep hillstreams you will need an air pump and may be a bubble wall rather than a stone as these need less powerful pumps IME.
ok instead of going for the air pump i will take your advice and go for the fluvel 4, the only thing that concerns me is that it does not say it also has a air pump on.......
i can get a tressure chest for £3 from pets for u pet store.....
will i need anythink else what about tubeing too.
and where should the filter go in the tank the same size as my other filter?
u can see here my other filter set up
how often does the foam inside these need to be changed
and what about Filter media there are that many on the market what ones should i be using and how often should they be replaced.......
i got two with my filter using one left the carbon one out....
and where should the filter go in the tank the same size as my other filter?