what about these fish in a 8ft tank

Have you looked up pictures of it?

I will try to explain...

Think about where the water comes out, on that is a plantic thing that has a cap. If the cap is on the water will go thriugh as normal but if you take the cap of and it's above the water level bubbles will go through the output not just water.

Hmmm, not explaining this very well am I?! It's difficult, maybe someone else can help.

Either way, it's not enough for hillstreams but it may be for gudgeon but as I said earlier I know nothing of them.
If set up properly it pumps ari into the power head and air and water come out the output. And does your friend know that you are planing on releasing a 40" fish eater into his pond?
:no: Kudos to all the kind people who have written repeatedly to try to help.
It's a shame when pets have to suffer for those who refuse to learn...
thanks for the help think i am going to go for a air fitler one of that link u gave me cheese.
i prefer these as they take up less room plus i have a filter anyway
loates123 said:
thanks for the help think i am going to go for a air fitler one of that link u gave me cheese.
i prefer these as they take up less room plus i have a filter anyway

I am sure that you are not reading my posts!!!!! You're tank will be under filtered!! You should add another filter for filtration and water movement. I was just giving you a cheap option that would do both.

ok thanks i did noy relise my filter was not pumping fast enough it costed me over £100

so if i go with the fluvel 4 it will be a air pump and another filter but all in one. think i have got ya now...
loates123 said:
ok thanks i did noy relise my filter was not pumping fast enough it costed me over £100

so if i go with the fluvel 4 it will be a air pump and another filter but all in one. think i have got ya now...

Sort of, as I explained earlier it can act as an air pump because of it taking air from the surface and pushing it into the water but it will not be enough for hillstream loaches.

I wish you'd read my replies!!! I feel like I am going back in time!!

I know you're filter was expensive but that does not make it good. The fluval 4+ does 1000lph and your 404 does 1300 lph right? The 404 was £100 and the 4+ is £25!

Your external will have better boilogical filtration I imagine but it is not enough for what you want in the tank, I think it's probably only just enough to cover the volume. Volume is not the only concern with filtration but occupants is the most important factor.

Getting a 4+ will give you extra filtration and some current, but not enough for hillstream loaches.

I don't think you should get them as they have different requirements to some of your other fish who like still water. Not to mention how the loach may become food for the other fish in time.

You have to think what's best for them.
ok thanks i may leave them out if i knew about the filter i would of got the cheaper one to late now tho...

i am debateing if to get the fluvel4 or to get a air pump i really want a tressure chest in my tank for the kids

looks good if i ordered this would i just need the chest and cable..

mate i am gratetful for your help and am reading your posts just that i am a newbie to keeping fish.
loates123 said:
ok thanks i may leave them out if i knew about the filter i would of got the cheaper one to late now tho...

i am debateing if to get the fluvel4 or to get a air pump i really want a tressure chest in my tank for the kids

looks good if i ordered this would i just need the chest and cable..

mate i am gratetful for your help and am reading your posts just that i am a newbie to keeping fish.
Are you still wanting to keep hillstream loaches? You will not be able to without a proper pump.

Your filter will still be good, I just think you need to add to it especially with the kind of fish you have. IE messy, large coldwater fish that need clean water and high evels of oxygen.

I know you are new, and I don't mean to get at you but being new you should listen more to people's advice. :)

You can get a fluval filter and a treaure chest. What's the point of a treasure chest if you can't see in the water enough to watch it? ;)

Maybe look on eBay for a second hand treasure chest and get a fluval 4. It'll be better in the long run. Clean tanks means healthy fish and happy owners.
loates123 said:
thanks can u explain this bit please ( stone ?bubble?)

To keep hillstreams you will need an air pump and may be a bubble wall rather than a stone as these need less powerful pumps IME.

ok instead of going for the air pump i will take your advice and go for the fluvel 4, the only thing that concerns me is that it does not say it also has a air pump on.......

i can get a tressure chest for £3 from pets for u pet store.....

will i need anythink else what about tubeing too.

and where should the filter go in the tank the same size as my other filter?
u can see here my other filter set up

how often does the foam inside these need to be changed
and what about Filter media there are that many on the market what ones should i be using and how often should they be replaced.......
i got two with my filter using one left the carbon one out....
A fluval 4 is not an air pump, it just has a device that allows for air to be pushed into the water, called 'venturi'.

An air stone is the thing that attaches to the end of the air line that is connected to the air pump. A bubble wall is like airline but has holes in it to let the air through. An air stone takes a more powerful pump to push the air through than a bubble wall.

A treasure chest is of no benefit to the fish whatsoever, so please disregard that. If it's £3 then get it as well as, but not instead of as it will not provide filtration or current.

You will not need tubing for the filter, that's not how it works. It's hard to describe but really very simple, it just takes in air at the surface and pushes it into the water. IT WILL NOTY BE ENOUGH FOR HILLSTREAM LOACHES. I notice you have not confirmed whether you are getting them. -_-

You get filter sponge with the fluval 4+. Do not replace it, it effectively removes the beneficial bacteria when you do this. Clean it a little in tank water, just to get the gunk off ever so often. How often is dependent on how clean your tank is. Perhaps every 2 weeks and do the external every month (but not on the same week) but this is only a guess. You do not want to do this for some time. Start when you notice the flow not being as strong.

and where should the filter go in the tank the same size as my other filter?

What??!! If you're asking where you should put the fluval 4, I think on the left hand side wall, facing right. That way you have good circulation throughout the tank.
thank not sure if i will get a HILLSTREAM LOACH after all as u advice not to....

also i had a gundgeton die last night i found it at the bottom of the tank upside down....i was gutted i done a nitraite test which was ok i wondered why it died it had only been in the tank 5 days...
anyway when i go to pick my other fish up on sunday i will take a water sample with me so they can test for everythink the person in the shop told me to bring a jam jar full of water....

so i will def be better with a fluvel 4 than a airpump?, and if i want a tressure chest will i need a air pump too as u say the flurel 4 needs no tube...

my fish in tank at moment
1 barbal
1 green tench
1 golden tench
1 gundgton

fish to add
this weekend

2 golden rudd
was going to add 1 hillsteam loach but this depend on u chesse.........( i dont want to get algea in the tank)

fish in a few weeks
1 cruisen carp

and that is it
1 question should i now get another gundgeton as you guys say they like to live in groups rather that on there own, or will the one i have be ok left on his own
Hillstream Loaches do not eat algae, they eat mico organisms within algae. I really don't think you should get these. They only get to 3" and will be bullied by your other fish as they grow, and will not eat algae. Not to mention the different requirements. You can get rid of and prevent algae in otherways. By not overfeeding, over/under lighting, not overstocking and doing regular water changes.

I imagine the people in the shop will try to get you to buy a hillstream saying it will be fine but please understand that I keeo a hillstream only tank and remember that it's their interest for you to buy from them.

Sorry about the death of your fish, what's you amonia reading? Did you cycle the tank?

Why not just get the treasure chest as well as the fluval 4+. I don't know how many times I can tell you that the treasure chest is of no benefit to the fish at all. Nothing. Not even a little bit. OK? You say the treasure chest is only £3, why not get it too? The treasure chest will need an air pump to fun it as the filter does not work in that way it will need to be seperate. I don't know what it will need as I don't use those things.

If you get a fluval 4+ you will not only be adding much needed filtration (definatley needed going off what you are adding) you will also be adding current.

As for the other gundgeton, people said you should have more when they thought your tank was double the size. I don't know what the verdict would be now.

I don't think you should be looking to buy more fish when you don't know what killed the other one. It could just be the stress of the move but it could be something more serious and the last thing you'd want to do is add more fish.

Good Luck :)

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