Well thanks a whole bunch!


Oct 25, 2004
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yesterday I posted twice (as in 2 boards) about my sick betta. NO ONE Helped me. Only one person posted and asked a bunch of questions, which I answered and they never came back.

My betta was ill and I KNEW I could've helped if if I had help.

He died.

I know this is a very active board, I refreshed every 5 mins waiting an answer and I see new posts on all other posts but mine.

If someone needs help, and you see a help board, I would asked you guys to help them! Forget about naming the fish for a minute and help those that need help!!


I'll stick with the salt water forum, at least those there are helpful
I was away much of the day yesterday worrying about my own new arrivals, but I've reviewed your posts, and, while I agree that it's unfair that your fish died, I'm not sure how much could have been done. It sounds to me like perhaps he may have been suffering from something like ich or velvet, and I have come to this conclusion because you said that he is darting around, and then resting, and that occasionally he would rub himself on his marbles. If he was so far advanced of a case that he would die within 24 hours of you seeking help for him, then I don't think that there is anything you could have done for him.

I am sorry that you couldn't get him on a proper treatment course, and that you don't feel that you got the attention that you deserve, but I really don't think that there is anything you could have done. I do have an extreme amount of sympathy, however, for your situation. No one likes losing a fish, especially when they believe that there may have been a way to prevent it. And there may have been.

Next time, may I suggest also trying the Tropical Fish Emergencies forum in addition to the Betta forum if you have a similar problem? It will increase your chances of it not getting lost in the shuffle. The people here are very well-meaning, but it is an active board, and, sometimes, even the most important posts do get a little bit lost.
its happened to me 2 my last post bout velvet and nobody answered
so i no how you feel sorry bout ur loss anyway
:sad: I too am very sorry for your loss. Its always a sad thing to see a fishy go. Did you try doing a search for bettas? There are many sites outlining symptoms and treatments.... many of them are pointed out at the top of the page in the sticky comments. :)
none of the sites seem to help me.

I wound up finding another forum, and they told me the water wasnt clean, as if something was in it. I find that hard to believe because the rest of mine are doing great.

and please dont think I am blaming those who werent around yesterday, I am just disgusted how everyone is concerned about naming their fish or showing them off instead of going to the help thread. After all, I did refresh often and see new posts on naming and showing off threads. ugh.
all it takes is a few seconds to search google for the different diseases/symptoms out there and i'm sure you would find a lot of useful information - this board, IMO, is more for beginner problems and problems/symptoms/solutions that are not addressed on various websites...

to blame an entire forums is horrible, and this is the 2nd time in 2 weeks i've seen this type of complaining....i feel sorry for your loss, but if you would've spent a little of YOUR time and effort to research it yourself instead of posting a question and waiting for someone else to do the work for you, maybe things would have turned out differently...it seems like too many people expect everyone else to do the work for them around here....and i must admit that a forum is the perfect place for that - but in this case didn't do you any good, huh?

i'm sure you tried a salt bath, some melafix, etc like EVERY disease post in the betta forums AND emergency forums recommends? if so, then this forum DID help you...if not, then you need to think about the basic treatments first and start those as soon as symptoms occur in the future!

don't mean to be harsh, but you cannot blame us for your loss, and it's happening all too often now...with all the resources out there, especially the pinned topics, I don't see how the forum itself, or the people on the forum, are the issue....
I'm sorry to hear of your loss but I'm with the others here. There's an entire world of helpful hints right at your fingertips. During all of that "refresh" time you could have tried to solve it yourself :/
I would imagine this is the thread in question. I read it yesterday and it seemed like you were getting help, you could have bumped it. But to be honest,my first impression was that the fish was already dying and I really don't think he could have been saved. You, yourself, say you've been keeping them for years. What could anybody here have done? If he died that quickly,he was obviously in a bad situation. It appears you were doing everything correctly ya know,what can we say?
I did read your post, but since I did not have any answers I did not waste your time responding. Since you told us he was a new betta he could have very easily suffered stress from the move, but I also agree that for him to die so quickly he must have either been sick when you got him, or there was a problem with the water in the tank you housed him in. Since you said the sites you went to did not help you, I don't know what you expected from us. :dunno:
I'da been happy to help, if I coulda helped! I'm new to bettas, as in just a few weeks, and yes, I'm a guilty one who posted yesterday, but I don't have anything to offer as far as sickies go....as this is all new to me......... take care!
I'm in the same situation as Grulla. I am very new to the world of bettas and just did not know what advice to really offer you. Right now when I see people asking for advice on a sick betta, rather than guess or possibly give wrong advice I hope that others more knowledgable will answer. I AM trying to keep up with the sick threads so that I can learn more, and hopefully get to the point where I can offer advice. I understand you are upset, but I don't think you should condemn the people who were posting at the time when you don't know their situation. I have found the people here to be very kind and concerned people. Perhaps if you stick around and give it more of a chance, you will find the same. :)
Well I don't blame ThatDarnDragon that much for blaming us, the Betta forums, because we care more about naming our fish than helping him. I for one didn't see that post [the one about your dying fish] until I saw this accusation. But seriously ThatDarnDragon, did you check google? I mean i found everything from diseases to medication on google. I agree with Kiarra about the ich and velvet thing. Was there any white spots on your betta before he died? Darting and rubbing usually leads to ich, an internal parasite which can be easily cured by up-ing the temperature to 84-ish I believe? Sorry about your lost ThatDarnDragon.
yes, I did do a search for diseases, but it didnt help much. I like to interact with people so I can explain and they can help me find the problem almost on a one on one basis in a way. Those search just list and describes, nothing more to help. Believe me, I am one who cant read instructions without having someone there to help me!

Listen, I apologize if it sounds like Im over reacting. I did do my research, and I am just miffed that all just cares about naming fish instead of at least trying to help. I understand that many are new or wasnt around, so they are not to blame.

I dont like to bump boards, I am not a spammer.

And I saw nothing on my fish before he died. just acting weird. The gills looked clear along with the scales, the water I just cleaned. belly and everything looks great, the tail was clean and whole.

That was my problem, I didnt see anything physical with it, and I wanted help picking it up. I figured if I actually talked to people who has experienced and tell me what they did to help. I like that MUCH better than going to a site where there's no interaction.

Im sorry I did not make that clear before.

I still would like to know what was wrong so I know for future reference.
We're deeply sorry about not helping you. If physical appearance is fine, then it was probably an internal disease. But from what I heard from you, 2-4 water changes a week? That's pretty good. Did you know the age of your betta? BTW, your site, there's an error: The image “http://www.illusionaldesign.com/IDBanner” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
I know, Im completely regutting my site. lol, I havent touched it in weeks. I'd better get to it!

And I have no idea of the age. I had just gotten him about 3 or 4 days before he died, was doing great, eating, swimming and flaring till I woke up one morning to discover he was jerky (it looks like he was having a seizure), mostly jerking the head.
I'm sorry TDD, I really do feel guilty and awful, even though I just didn't know what to tell you. I guess if I had realized how serious it was, I would have at least tried to point you to pinned topics or the emergency part of the board. There are posts every day here from people with sick fish and I try to leave it in the hands of people who have more experience than the three weeks I have had with bettas. I assumed someone with more knowledge would come along, but in your case I guess the thread just ended up getting knocked down and people didn't see it. I know you may not like bumping your own threads, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that if it might mean the life of your fishie. But you probably didn't realize how serious it was either, especially since he was still eating.

I'm sorry you lost your fish :-( , and sorry you felt abandoned in your time of need. I do think people here are very caring. I hope you stick around.

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