Well thanks a whole bunch!

Alright, we're all sorry for your lost TDD. Can we stop this accusation thing? We all have something at fault but this thread is going on forever about 'its your fault' and 'i'm sorry'. That sounded rude didn't it....
sorry abstract, I must've missed that question.

Im on Long Island, NY.

and yes, the subject was angry... :/ but I wasnt talking about 'all' of my posts. ok, next time i'll spell things out. :p
Lets be nice we all make mistakes.
I am one of the most sensitive people on the planet, so I truly understood that you felt hurt and ignored, and that it seemed no one cared. I felt really bad about that because I have felt that way before myself (not here in particular). I just think you have reacted to that in a rather angry way that makes people defensive, and you SEEMED to come across as blaming your fish's death on your lack of response. There's no fault involved in all of this. I think it's more a matter of hurt feelings than anything. If you had posted a thread that simply stated your fish had died, I bet you'd have gotten lots of sympathy and understanding, but your post comes across as blaming the people on this forum about it.

Anyway, I am sorry you felt ignored, but I am sure no one intentionally looked at your thread and thought "I can help that person but I just don't care." I am pretty sure not one single person had that thought. I hope you do decide to get another betta and that you'll find this place as helpful and informative as I have in my short time here.
:rofl: A group hug sounds great. is there a hugging smillie.
wow, gone 1 day and i missed a ton! well, not gone, but not actively looking on the forum. i'm sorry your fishie died and i'm sorry no one could help you. but starting off a post with those words is a little harsh. i've found this forum very helpful and would always post here with betta questions first. however, if he was that bad off, probably it was too late for anyone to help. hopefully this will not put you off entirely from this forum cuz most of the people here are very helpful!
ooh - I missed this one too. Quite want to throw in my two cents though...

Firstly, sorry about the death of your fish - I can totally appreciate an initial feeling of anger that people that could have helped you perhaps didn't come across your thread in time.

As a general comment (NOT directed at the person who started the thread)

I think we all have to remember what a wonderful resource of free information and advice (that admittedly you sometimes have to take with a pinch of salt) the Internet can be.

As far as I can tell this isn't a commercial forum - and i've found it invaluable as a source of free info. Looks like you've been here longer than I have so you'll be fully aware that these things work by people who initially come for help sticking around and then helping to disseminate the knowledge they pick up.

I've been amazed recently (i'm a systems engineer) when Internet aquaintances have introduced people too me who have technical questions - the person has then proceeded to fire off a list of questions (without even a polite hello or thanks for your time) as if they were paying me and then disappear without a word of thanks.

Its a strange world :no:

As I said, not directed at the thread starter - just a kinda related pet peeve about people online and help atm :p
:-( I am sorry about your fish... :/ I was one of those persons posting in the name the fish and pics posts...only because I don't have a strong background in fish diseases. I really would have loved to help, but I don't know much. Here's some good sites about fish diseases and their symptoms for future reference:

Sorry I couldn't have been of more help.

BTW, I'll take some of those cookies too ;)
Your fish died becaus eof unclean water...? I hate when ppl automatically assume that because it was a Betta! It sounds like it was velvet to me. Sadly, I think your fish would have passed even if we were all there to come to your rescue. :( Sorry man. As for the showing off...Betta owners are glutuns...lol. Hang tough, we'll try to be there for you next time.

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