Well thanks a whole bunch!

DD~ I'm just finding it difficult to find the point of this thread...
What is the point?
Your fish died and everybody is sorry,but they're not going to feel guilty. If anybody should feel guilty it's the caretaker. Not someone halfway across the world who has never even laid eyes on your fish. But,those same people will indeed mourn the loss with you. Quit trying to find fault in your loss. Shake your fist at the skies etc etc..if that makes you feel better. Or just take it with a grain of salt,whatever.

This thread has just about run it's course though. I'm getting this out of it...
Your fish was spazzing out and dying.
No one knew what to say to you.
And now everyone in here is to blame.
Are we done?
If you guys looked back at my first post, I said "If you would please forget about naming fish for 5 mins and help those who needs help"

That was the point of me creating this board. I dont know how things got out of hand, and Im sorry it did.

In asking here, at least I can see what I could do and pick out what would be best (in suggestions)

And yes, I know you cant do it for me, but no harm in me asking! geeze.
I have felt guilty, but not about your fish dying because I know there is really nothing I could have done. I did feel bad that you felt no one cared, but as you can see here lots of people do care. I do understand that you just felt ignored while people posted to other threads, but now that you have seen the reasons I think you really should stop your accusations and angry responses. I think you actually owe an apology to RW who did try to take time out to help you despite the vague description you gave, but you basically dismissed RW's efforts to help you.

Admittedly, I am particularly prone to being easily guilt tripped, but the more I see you being rude to many people I highly respect, the harder it is for me to sympathize with you. Please either settle down, understand what people are saying and start contributing more positively, or simply take your leave if you feel so insulted by the people here. People posted about fish names because they knew what ideas they wanted to share on that topic. They didn't respond about the sick fish because they did not know what to advise you.
This thread's giving me a headache :S Life does not stop because someone has an ill fish,I'm sorry.

Babies are born as people are dying. Circle of life blah blah blah. The forums are set up for people to enjoy their fish just as much as they are here for emergencies. There's no reason to disrespect someone's fish naming thread just because another fish is ill. What a disheartening place it would be if we only dealt with illness all day long,every day.

This is my last post in here,but I'll keep peeking in on occasion. I'll lock it when I feel it is done...which,at this rate,will be soon because it's pointless. Again, I'm sorry about your fish and I wish you the best of luck in your future fishy ventures.
ThatDarnDragon said:
And yes, I know you cant do it for me, but no harm in me asking! geeze.
And yet there is harm in posting in other threads and not giving out suggestions in one about an illness...when you didn't have one...hmmm. :S geeze
Once i waited two days for a reply on a forum, best to find your own information if you end up waiting a long time for a reply, it's out there the information on the net, just takes time to find it.
I do appreciate RW (if thats him) for at least posting on that other thread. He/she is the only one and I appreciate that (Sorry if I sounded wrong earlier)

But yes, we all made our points here. I am at fault, its all my fault. got it.

and I am not looking for sympathy or anything. I am beyond that. Once again, I am just giving my perspective.
I no how you feel you are panicking because you want to help the fish but you don't no what is wrong, then when nobody replys you feel like they don't care, they do they don't no the answer either, thats why I learn't about health of fish for myself and now i try to help other's when i'm around, sorry for your loss and hope you stick around.
thanks wilder. Im just glad a few people here understand where I am coming from. (I do thank those too, Im sure you know who you are).

Next time if I need help and not geting help, I'll spam the crap out of this board, hows that? :p (note tongue sticking out, means Im teasing.)

oh, by the way, Im saying this in my defense and others, it is not easy to 'hear' other's tones in text. Sometimes when someone types something, it can be taken in a whole other way because we cannot see or hear them.

I took someone's post as if they were angry, but I dont think they really were.

A few took me the same here, where I wasnt trying to sound angry or hussy.

So, also take that in concideration. Again, Im sorry if I sounded angry or b* here when I really wasnt.
:) Whew. Well now that we've aired everything out, TDD sorry we were not able to be of help, but don't give up on us. We truly love our finned friends and will be glad to help if we can. :fish:
I love my finned friends as well.

I'll be around mostly on the marines boards, but I'll be here from time to time as well.
Dont hang out here or you will end up with a betta problem lol. Somehow in my house they are spreading, I have no clue how! What? Oh this stack of Pet smart receipts... thats .... um... er...... nothing really! :lol:
This is hilarious. (Not the fish death... this arguement. :rolleyes:) It is no one's fault that your fish died, TDD. Not your fault, not our fault. I guess you could possibly blame it on the poor care it received at the pet store, but this illness could have started long before then. I think we tend to get overly emotional about our fish sometimes. Their is a certain point where we need to step back and say, "Okay, I've done everything I can for this fish... I've given it a good life and taken care of it well. If it dies, then I will mourn for a short while but I will get over it." You can learn from mistakes like this... probably not a good idea to buy a betta from that store again unless you make sure that the betta looks healthy. Even then, you are not guaranteed that the fish doesn't have any internal infections. Things happen. I had several guppies die from columnaris. I tried everything for it. Meds, salt, lower temp, etc. In the end, it didn't matter. They died and it's over with. Now I know not to buy fish that look like they have fin rot cases. (I put feeder guppies in the tank and they brought the disease with them.) Sorry for your loss, but please don't take your grief/anger out on us for it. We have enough fish issues to deal with on our own.
Whew. Well now that we've aired everything out, TDD sorry we were not able to be of help, but don't give up on us. We truly love our finned friends and will be glad to help if we can.
awww,see?! I love this forum :wub: All of you rawk! You too DD...even if you are a salty at heart :p
ThatDarnDragon said:
I took someone's post as if they were angry, but I dont think they really were.

A few took me the same here, where I wasnt trying to sound angry or hussy.

So, also take that in concideration. Again, Im sorry if I sounded angry or b* here when I really wasnt.
"you people were no help at all"

angry, rude, hussy, and all other similar adjectives describe the tone in this thread topic....and then we get to the thread and then comes the accusations and assumptions...i dont know what you are talking about not being able to determine someones tone....you knew what you were saying and how you meant it to be interpreted, and obviously so did all of those who responded

on a side note you never responded to my post before...where in NY do you live?

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