Marine Enthusiast!
To be fair, ive scaped it like im blind, but nothings final. Theres time for change.
lol c'mon get the pics up!
To be fair, ive scaped it like im blind, but nothings final. Theres time for change.
I was waiting for the tank to fill
Anyway, here we go...
I have more microsorum pteropus and anubias for when i get round to buying superglue and couple more stem plants in the post, but here it is ready for the silent cycle.
Ill probably change it around again, but thats it for now.
Not sure about the separate piece of wood on the left, thoughts?
Either some moss on the wood or wait until your java ferns fill out - then you'll have a centre of java fern with pieces of wood just sticking out areound it
It's looking good though! Loving your wood! Is that glosso that's in the big clumps either side of the wood? If it is, you might want to separate it out a bit so that it spreads quicker. If not, just ignore my ramblings
Looking forward to see how this progresses - keep us posted!