Well Its A Rescape... *update 10/09/09 Fish Added*

I was waiting for the tank to fill :lol:

Anyway, here we go...

I have more microsorum pteropus and anubias for when i get round to buying superglue and couple more stem plants in the post, but here it is ready for the silent cycle.


Ill probably change it around again, but thats it for now.

Not sure about the separate piece of wood on the left, thoughts?
I was waiting for the tank to fill :lol:

Anyway, here we go...

I have more microsorum pteropus and anubias for when i get round to buying superglue and couple more stem plants in the post, but here it is ready for the silent cycle.


Ill probably change it around again, but thats it for now.

Not sure about the separate piece of wood on the left, thoughts?

thats good, i'd take the seperate piece away, would look great with some crypts at the front and npossibly some p.helferi.

good luck

ps. whats the story behind the powerhead?
Oh yeah, before i realised it was cheaper elsewhere, i had it in my basket on AE ready to buy. But then decided i wasnt going to buy it from AE. Then when i bought my redmoor wood, it was still in the basket and i bought and paid without realising until the next day, when it had already been shipped :rolleyes:

Sending it back, i wouldve paid for the courier so it wouldnt have been worth it. i was paying postage for the wood anyway, so i didnt lose too much.

Also, yeah i agree, i was actually considering more crypts to go with the wendtii at the front, also decided i dont really need a carpet plant. Ill take it out when i do my next 50% change i think.

Cant wait for that wood to stay down so i can lose that awful rock and plant more microsorum pteropus
Small bump, the wood now sinks on its own without an ugly rock, so ive superglued the microsorum pteropus on in the places i want it, also superglued on some anubias nana.

Done a water change and trimmed all the stem plants (in that order, dont you love not thinking :lol:)

Just waiting for a couple more plants, couple of stems and im going to order more crypts. Will put up a pic later when the tanks cleared. This time ill wait until the rooms dark and use a tripod and try to get a fairly decent pic.

Thanks for reading.
As i said, heres a picture of todays work, just superglued the microsorum on how i want it and done some trimming and tidying. As i said, i did the trimming after the water change so... yeah, floating bits of plant :rolleyes:


I have some more hygrophila species stems coming, plus im going to order some crypt parva, wendtii green and beckettii and some p.helferi. (thanks for the suggestions adam)

Im feeling that theres too much wood showing and i think it would be good to have more plants attached to various branches - but what? Any ideas?
Either some moss on the wood or wait until your java ferns fill out - then you'll have a centre of java fern with pieces of wood just sticking out areound it :)
It's looking good though! Loving your wood! Is that glosso that's in the big clumps either side of the wood? If it is, you might want to separate it out a bit so that it spreads quicker. If not, just ignore my ramblings :lol:
Looking forward to see how this progresses - keep us posted! :D

Either some moss on the wood or wait until your java ferns fill out - then you'll have a centre of java fern with pieces of wood just sticking out areound it :)
It's looking good though! Loving your wood! Is that glosso that's in the big clumps either side of the wood? If it is, you might want to separate it out a bit so that it spreads quicker. If not, just ignore my ramblings :lol:
Looking forward to see how this progresses - keep us posted! :D


looks great mate, cover the whole of the floor with plants and cramn loads in :) have you thought about rotala sp green for a background stem, and some straight vailis?
I like your idea of letting the microsorum fill out claire, ive noticed little plants on the back of the leaves, so ill replant them when theyre ready.

Ive got some rotala sp green in there, and the bushy plant in clumps either side is bacopa that i gave a good chop. :p

Yeah, i plan to cram more plants than that in.

First fish are going in when i get paid. About two weeks.

Ive gone off vallis, it either dies or takes over in my tanks, id like it to just be normal :lol:

Any suggestions?

Thanks for the replies
excelent scape, just need some stem plants, perhaps with a bit of colour behind the wood to cover the gaps at the base of the wood. Or some hemainthus micranthemoides would look good
Thanks for the reply, i have some Heteranthera zosterifolia and Hygrophila difformis in the post, also going to order some more crypts and ill see how it looks, i like the look of hemainthus micranthemoides.

I was thinking about something brown/red/pink, but im not sure what, or where id put it, any ideas?

Also, im doing 50% water changes daily now, despite not having fish. *shrugs* i have a DIY python so its no real effort, just turn a tap and sit down. :good:
Love the tank, vibrant plants and tidy without the heater and whanot. What kind of wood is that? Redmoor?

A couple of questions if I may: Where did you get the lily pipes from? I've got the same EX and was looking at doing the same thing but wasn't sure which lilies to get. Not sure if the measurement refers to internal or external diameter of the hosing.

Also looking at the external heater, was it a straight fit to the EX hosing? Or did you need to fiddle with the piping at all?

Many many thanks.
Yeah, its redmore

The ETH 200 is a straight fit and the lily pipes are here 180359015656

For the EX600 you want 12/13mm INTERNAL connections
Yeah, if you dont mind waiting for delivery from hong kong or wherever, theyre great. I think arronnorth got similar ones for his EX1200 as well. :)

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