Welcome To The World My New Baby...


Jan 8, 2007
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Hey everyone!

I had my baby. I ended up having him spontaneously before my scheduled caeserean date.

Here are the details:

Tyson Aaron
Born on the 15th April 2007
Weighing 9lbs 5oz (4.22kg)
After a 2hr spontaneous drug free labour!

He is just adorable. I was not expecting such a big baby because my daughter weighed half that and I am only a petite 5'1 girl, and I am very proud of myself that I did it without any drugs from the minute my waters broke to 2 hrs later!

He spent his first 4 days in the Special Care Nursery because he had wet lung (fluid on the lung) and severe jaundice, as you will see in the pic because his skin is that yellow colour, it will go away by the end of this weekend.

Here is his pic, enjoy!

Love Rhiannon
awww congratulations he's a sweetie! i was thinking yesterday i hadn't seen you on the forum for a few days and thought you might have had him.

big baby too! ouch i bet that hurt :crazy:
Many, many congratulations, Rhiannon, on your beautiful little boy. Welcome to the world, Tyson.
Congratulations Rhiannon, he is absolutely beautiful! :wub:
You should be proud of yourself for doing it drug free, I practically kept the gas and air mask glued to my face when I had my first daughter!
Congrats he's a little stunner, well done.
Drug free wow you was brave., I had to have pethadine how you ever spell it.

Me to stang and they had to get another bottle lol.
Congratulations!!! He's lovely! Makes me go all broody :) I don't know how anyone does it without drugs, I started with nothing moved on to gas n air then panicked and had an epidural and still had pain down 1 side and my little girl was only 6lb 14oz so well done you! OUCH!!!
Drug free can't believe it was still painful on drugs.
Epidural couldn't have that wouldn't stay still for the needle.
Emma 7 pound nine ounces, andrew was 8 pounds and 6 ounces.
Never want to go through it again. :lol:
Thanks everyone!

Well I was screaming for pethadine, but they said it was far to late, it would of had no affect because as soon as I got to the hospital I had to start pushing because in about 45 mins I was 8cm dilated already.

And yes it hurt. It hurt so much but once the head pops out its ok.

But with my daughter I had an epidural.

He is such a dream, still sleeping now and its been 4hrs since he fed.

Love Rhiannon
Lets have you give birth to a watermellon sized object though a passage way that is 100x too small for that watermellon and not have that as an accomplishment. :lol:

Should be announced.
I always admire members here who use positive energy to create a better forum for all members. Another one of our members went straight down to the suggestion area and posted that perhaps we could have an announcement area for momentous times for our members. WTG. Once again, will bring this up with William.


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