Welcome To The Moderating Team Zoddyzod!

He He :rofl:

Double - oh - Zoddy!

The brown cow flies low over the new moon!!

Congrats - well deserved!

This message will self destruct in 10..9..8..
Obviously the first thing I've done as a Mod is to trawl through the Mod-only sections. When one of them makes a "there's actually a lot that goes on behind the scenes" comment, I can catergorically state they AREN'T lying!

word up!^^^

welcome to the team ZZ!
:band: Congratulations :hooray: , don't get bunrt out reading all the hidden stuff :)
he won't...it's like an episode of Jeremy Kyle in there!
Well done, and I'm terribly sorry, at the same time.

My congratulations and condolences Zoddy.
Congrats :) Good addition to the team.

Blimey.I go off line for a few days, it all kicks off with hackers/no hackers, and you go and get seduced by the Dark side

Good luck fella
Congrats zoddy!

I aint been here long, but the first person i took advice from here was you, you told me where i could get nice cheap play sand lol :lol: Thanks!
I'd say congrats but from experience, i know its crap work :D (Good choice though, zoddys a top fella)

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