Weird And Wacky Pets

I have a tailless whip scorpion. Other than that, nothing "weird" unless you look at my fish!

invader, have you seen the third Harry Potter movie? There's a bug just like that in it! Haha.
I've had hermit crabs, silkworms, tadpoles that turned into frogs and were then released.
And a six foot python that used to turn up on our verandah all the time. We'd take it to the rainforest but it'd be back a few weeks later..
My brother breeds boas (he also used to breed bearded dargons), so he has a license to keep endangered animals. In college he has kept some of the weirdest animals. The way he did it was that he would keep the animal for some time, then give it away and get a new one, all for the experience. Some of the pets that I know he has had were a coatimundi (now thats weirder than a peacock), halloween crabs, an axotl, an albino ferret, eclectus parrots, and a bengal cat. There are probably many other pets that I don't know of that my brother had. Also, before he went to college when he was breeding bearded dragons, he had squirrels and a variety of lizards including rhino iguanas, horned toads, and blue tounged skinks just to name a few. He also used to trade animals with the Sandiego Zoo.

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