Weather Where You Are

Wow! Brilliant! :) I like to see that kind of support for the olympics, I've been annoyed by some of the negative comments I've heard. You know, along the lines of "it's a waste of money".

Weather is quite nice here in Carlisle, it was a nice sunny morning but is a little overcast now, probs rain on the way :rolleyes:
It's sunny and 80 in St Louis, Missouri! But its still early. It will be 100F by the time i drive home this evening.
Cloudy here in Birmingham. But not raining. For once. :lol:
Looks like we are going to have rain tomorrow,but yay....... the jet stream is going to go up over the top of UK, so it should get better for us all........and about time.....Dieses Madchen that is hot hot hot, hope you have air-con....
Oft!!! Got up to tale the dog out earlier and just about got washed away!
Bit of a "drizzle" in sunny loch lomond.

The term "bucketing down", doesn't come close to how heavily its raining here :(
Had rain in the night,very cloudy this morning,still 17c.......going to do a water change now.....
Quite pleasant weather today. I think it's around 27C. My fish can finally take a rest from all that heat. No rain yet.
Had a thunder storm about 6.30 last night,for half an hour, and this morning is wet wet wet......14c... :crazy:
over where i live in the U.S we have been in drought all summer we just got rain for the first since early june...42 or 47 days with out rain new world record :hyper: we have been on a water banned since last week to preserve water which makes cleaning tanks a pain in the butt since my dad has been on to us bout using the water so much

oh and has been in the 100's for the past few weeks to -.-
The planets having crazy weather patterns Hannah, we are going to finally start our summer on Saturday in the uk......yippeeeeee I think...... :/
Nice day today. Not much sun, not much heat, no rain. But no one wants to go to the park today. -.-

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