We have eggs!!

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2005
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Woohoo!! The female is out and the daddy is taking good care of the nest! I'm sooo excited!! Just a quick question though, besides the BBS and stuff like that, I bought a thing called "Small Fry" liquid fish food, how old do they have to be before they can eat that?
good luck with your fry.

im no expert but i kno the first thing you should give baby fry is liquid food for about 2 weeks an then switch to live food.

correct me if im wrong ppl, like i said im no expert.

how many fry have you got??
Liquid fry food before live food with betta fry is a really really bad idea, betta fry have to learn to eat and live food help incourge them to bite, if you put liquid food in there first a lot of the food will rot at the bottom of the tank, and with betta fry being so seseptable to bad water, disease, and ph changes feeding liquid or flake food for the first 2 weeks is a very very bad idea. I have tried liquid fry(a liquid fry food I once found) at about 3 weeks but my fry by then prefered live and gound flakes to it, in fact they wouldn't even try it.

Sallee's Halfmoons and Deltas
Thank you Sallees, I have plenty of live food also, glad I read up before I tried to breed them!!

Update on the fishies:
We have fry!! Hehe, I kept waking up and glancing at the nest all night last night, and no fry...but they could well have been there, cause I wasn't looking close enough! I just happened to see a little black ant fall down from the nest and get promptly carried back into the nest, and when I looked from above I counted about 20 little dots. Theres probably more in the back, but he's made the bubble nest so insanely thick it goes to the very top of the styrofoam cup he made it in.

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