Water That Goes Into Your Tank.

Graeme Edwards

Mar 20, 2006
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I was wondering today what people do to there with there water before it goes into the tank.

I personally match the temperature to the tank water and add TetraAqua safe and thats it.

Is that good enough?
I constantly wonder about going RO or having those in line tap water purifiers, being in a rented house im limited.
Is dechlorinate enough for my planted tank?

What do we do with our water, after all if thats not right we are going to find it hard to get the chemistry right in the tank.

Thoughts :good:
I do the same thing you do. I really like the Tetra Aquasafe. One bottle has lasted forever and a day. Especially since I started dosing with a syringe to get the exact dose. I dose my water in a big white bucket and then by the time I'm done draining, pruning, and cleaning, it's been sitting there for about an hour. So I don't worry much. I approximate the temperature, not really a big deal for any of the fish I was keeping. If I had SW or really delicate species, I'd worry more and do more to get conditions to match. But if you're doing EI, like I am for two tanks, the fish get used to 50% water changes.
thats all i do..i just got a python gravel vac now so no more buckets...wooooohoooo...i just add some dechlorinator and check the water temp to be close coming out of the faucet and just fill it up..

when you say syringe are you talikn the kind with a needle..i just use one of the little dosing thingys that come with my childrens medicines.of course its sterilized and it measures 1ml at a time.
thats all i do..i just got a python gravel vac now so no more buckets...wooooohoooo...i just add some dechlorinator and check the water temp to be close coming out of the faucet and just fill it up..

when you say syringe are you talikn the kind with a needle..i just use one of the little dosing thingys that come with my childrens medicines.of course its sterilized and it measures 1ml at a time.

No, not the kind with a needle, like what you have, with ml increments. Really useful for meds too.


Don't know what to call this kind. I guess not a syringe as that implies needles. :lol:

I tend to keep too many smallish fish species to trust a python. I suck up fish with just a plain gravel vac, I'm old-school. I like buckets.
yah i didnt think it wasnt a real needle :D
just wanted to make sure though since ive heard syringe many times
i know what you mean about sucking the fish up with the python though.
cant leave the the thing in alone for a sec. :)
I fill from a hose with the temperature matched to that of the tank. I squirt in Prime as it fills.
I mix RO with tapwater 50/50, to give me desired KH (~6 degrees). I add dechlorinator to the tapwater. Water is hard around here, and I used to keep discus. Many, although not all, believe plants do best in softer water. I asked Jeff Senske of ADG whether he used RO (was after the keys to his success). He told me that if he couldn't have used straight tapwater he would never have bothered with the whole buisness he's in (design and maintenace of client tanks), and the water around Houston is pretty hard. I personally never bring the water to tank temp, with no problems.

I get water temp roughly to tanks, then add dechlorinator and add..

me too! roughly! i see people with thermometers in their water, matching exactly!!! :crazy: I never do this, just roughly match it, at the end of the day its only 50% and as long as it isn`t too far off then i have never seen a significant drop. I turn the filter on immediately with the thermostat and we are up to 79oF within 10 mins :D :hyper:
I treat the water with aquasafe and in it goes!

Don't care about temperature - if I'm doing a large water change where my heater can't heat it up quick enough I'll stick in two heaters so that it heats up twice as fast!
I do 50% water changes i have some 5 gallon buckets which i fill the night before I put a heater, dechlorinator and run an airstone in each bucket :D
On my 50% water changes I add cool water to my tank (with dechlorinator) this seems to stimulate my Cory's into mating. I suppose its the equivalent of a rain storm.

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