Water softner device


Moved On
Feb 5, 2004
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Kudelstaart (Amsterdam) (The Netherlands)
Has any one tried one of the inline softner devices that you plug inbetween your main water pipe and your tap?
What i mean is if you placed this inbetween your pump and your tank you could rally soften the water up.... if needed. and it would also take out any other impurities in the water that doesnt need to be in it. it would be lke having Perrie Spring water all the time in your tank.
i got no idea!

all the stuff you design is too complicated for me to understand, lol
Typically, "inline" water softners are made of an "ion exchange" resin - this will wear out quite quickly depending on how hard your water is. Beware of the types that you can regenerate with salt, these replace the Ca++ and Mg++ ions with Na+ ions and are not suitable for tank use, same applies for the same reason to domestic water softners, (you'll note there is always a raw water tap for drinking with these things - excess Na+ is bad).

Another thought is that running your tank water continuously through a softner will reduce the buffering capacity of your water, you'll need to be very careful you don't start getting drastic pH swings.

You need to use a correctly stabilised de-ionised or RO water supply for tanks. Even then, you need to know what you are doing otherwise you run great risk of uncontrolled chemistry swings. Soft water is not as stable as hard.

Unless you have real need to change your hardness, pH etc. you are better off leaving it well alone.

BTW - Perrier water is loaded with minerals, most "mineral waters" are.

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