Was Bored So Thought Id Start :p

Remember me mentioning the html coding that wasn't W3C compliant...

well, take a look here here for the output from the W3C on-line validator page. 18 errors they reckon, but actually, nothing there that would crash a half decent browser (maybe Internet explorer, but I said decent browser :shifty: )

I don't usually like two separate navigation bars, but in this case, I think it works quite well :nod:

I can't wait to see some content on there :hyper:

All the best
Remember me mentioning the html coding that wasn't W3C compliant...

well, take a look here here for the output from the W3C on-line validator page. 18 errors they reckon, but actually, nothing there that would crash a half decent browser (maybe Internet explorer, but I said decent browser :shifty: )

I don't usually like two separate navigation bars, but in this case, I think it works quite well :nod:

I can't wait to see some content on there :hyper:

All the best

Cheers m8, i use IE broswer myself and everythink SEEMS so far to load so i always check through this, i guess if it all works here it will work with anybodys (in thoery lol).... i agree with the nav bars but i thought it mite be nice to have them seperate in stead of a whole bunch down the left hand side and becasue they are so in your face been right as eye contact/view people may actually use them a tad more and learn before purchase... again in theory ;). content added will be slow becasue of having the baby round me permanatley but will get there in the end... little stuck what to actually add to the home page simply becasue everythink has its own nav bar so was thinking a few pics and a few advertiseing sites and so on?, will just see how it goes the home page isnt a major thing right now.

Thanks for the comments again m8 :)

much apprieciated.

Actually, IE is the only mainstream internet browser that isn't W3C compatible. If it displays correctly on IE, it may not anywhere else. Only arround 1/2 of internet users use IE now (depending on whom you listen to, Microsoft recon 3/4, but they assume that everyone running Windows uses IE, dropping to about 1/4 according to a few competing browser makers...) so one of the worst things you can do is code stuff to work properly on IE only. Keep to W3C standards and you will exclude the least number of people from your side. Coding for IE only will likely leave a lot more people un-able to access the site than you would if you coded to W3C standards :nod:

when you test a site, ideally, you want to test it in IE, a text-only browser/browser set to text-only mode and again in a major competitor to IE such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Crome, Safari e.t.c to ensure it works correctly in each.

I like the look of the site atm, simple and easy to use but keeping visual appeal :nod:

Most people that have studied computing above A-level or that have been properly trained in programming or web-design hate Microsoft's products. They always go against convention, trying to force you to code how they want, such that their market share increases and they are better able to dictate to you how to code. This means that you either have to spend lots of time trying to code stuff to be cross-platform compatible, or do two versions, one for Microsoft and one for everyone else. It's this reason why a lot computing students and a big share of software or website makers use mac or Linux over Windows, and will try and avoid using Microsoft's own products when they do have to run Windows... If you get into designing, or coding stuff more seriously you will quickly get tired of Microsoft and their rather Monopolistic tactics... [/rant]

All the best
Actually, IE is the only mainstream internet browser that isn't W3C compatible.

No longer true. IE8 pretty much fixes that.

Only arround 1/2 of internet users use IE now (depending on whom you listen to, Microsoft recon 3/4, but they assume that everyone running Windows uses IE, dropping to about 1/4 according to a few competing browser makers...)

Stats for May 2009

IE7 21.3%
IE6 14.5%
IE8 5.2%
Fx 47.7%
Chrome 5.5%
Sarafri 3.0%
Other 2.2%
very good jenclibee ive just started doing one too for turtles and fish its in my sig. i'll defo use it when its up and running i'll put a link to it on mine if you want
It's this reason why a lot computing students and a big share of software or website makers use mac or Linux over Windows, and will try and avoid using Microsoft's own products when they do have to run Windows... If you get into designing, or coding stuff more seriously you will quickly get tired of Microsoft and their rather Monopolistic tactics...

Oh no rabbut! Dont be one of those people... :lol

To balance rabbuts comments I would add that I was a Comuting student at Uni and only used Microsoft Products (i liked them). I now look after servers for a very large organisation who also use 95% Microsoft products.

In the Enterprise is where Microsofts Products really shine but for some things I would agree that the alternatives may be easier to work with. The i,portant thing to remember when designing through is that nearly 90% of ends users are using Windows and MS Products :good:
very good jenclibee ive just started doing one too for turtles and fish its in my sig. i'll defo use it when its up and running i'll put a link to it on mine if you want

Cheers m8, just had a look at yours... looks to becoming a nice site.... thanks for the offer of the link on your website, will add yours to mine as soon as i get round to actually completing it lol :good:
lol samw here ive not been on it for a while i think i might have a few hours on it tomorrow and ill get the link sorted out for you :thumbs:

Cheers m8 :good: , will be away for a few days now so think ill get stuck in next weekend and see what else i can do lol :)

thanks again :)


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