Was Bored So Thought Id Start :p


PleC & CorY MaD
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
Well a planned project which i was doing a couple years back stopped becasue i didnt have the time, now time is all mine i thought i would start 'thinking' about doing it again :)

Not somethink definite, just somethink i thought about doing.

i started on this about an hour ago cause i was bored, what do people think so far?, still nowhere near finished but just thought i would see what people thought of the general layout beens i had done it.

Anyways here goes peeps lol

Dont laugh and be gentle... im far from a website maker so......

link to website......... HERE

Take no notice of the domain name its just one i had sitting not been used so just uploaded it to that one for now.


well if you can do that in an hour, !

looks fab, very well laid out, clear ( dont like websites where you have to trawel looking for stuff )
ill be a user for sure where the shrimp are concerned :)
well done,and good luck with the rest :)
shelagh xxxx
well if you can do that in an hour, !

looks fab, very well laid out, clear ( dont like websites where you have to trawel looking for stuff )
ill be a user for sure where the shrimp are concerned :)
well done,and good luck with the rest :)
shelagh xxxx

Awwww thanks hun, working around the baby it may take a little longer to get finished but its nice a quiet when he's asleep lol
Hey that looks good, like the colours, clear and easy to read.
That's your first attempt? I'd have said you have had practice, it's a nice lay out that presents well and is (mostly) W3C compliant. There is an error in the head, that most browsers will recover from OK, but other than tank, it looks good :nod: I'd maybe look at CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) if you are going to build multiple pages, then you won't have to modify each page separately when you want to change the design of something, but that is about the only two "issues" I can pick up on. VERY good start :nod:
That's your first attempt? I'd have said you have had practice, it's a nice lay out that presents well and is (mostly) W3C compliant. There is an error in the head, that most browsers will recover from OK, but other than tank, it looks good :nod: I'd maybe look at CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) if you are going to build multiple pages, then you won't have to modify each page separately when you want to change the design of something, but that is about the only two "issues" I can pick up on. VERY good start :nod:

Cheers m8, first attempt at this site yes, ive done a couple others in the past but again very quickly just to get them up really, will have a play around and see what more can be added/removed but the feedback so far seems positive so im happy :)

Thanks all so far for the coments :)

look's fine, simple look and that works well.

If u need a site just ask ;)
How come its called 'Jake' yet your name is Mark?

Im confused lol.

Nice proffesional looking website though :good:
Changed a couple things, thought it needed a few more catogories so ive given the carsheets the own space seperatley... not much else done lol but welcome to take a look


thanks for looking :)


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