
Tempest...I highly doubt you will be able to pick and chose the fish they carry. Most of the time the fish are ordered by the home office and sent to the different stores. You might be able to work with the fish, but then there is the matter of the department manager who might feel that you are stepping on their toes by trying to "do something" about the conditions.

I don't mean to sound harsh or anything like that...but it's the truth. Good Luck, and I hope that you can make a difference...just don't expect it to be as soon as you get the job.

This isn't walmart but a place near me holds large oscars in 10g tanks. I would love to see a store that holds their fish in no less than a 20 gallon or the minimum for that fish. It's sick what all these places are doing :sick: . And tempest, I am really hoping that you get that job.
Rayne said:
I was at my local walmart yesterday and was appalled at what I heard. A lady was purchasing a 10 gal tank for her children. She was looking at platties (orange in color) but the lady talked her out of it saying she would need a heater ($10) to go with them. So instead the walmart lady tried to sell her 7-8 comets with a 10 gal tank!!!! I had to step in and tell her not to buy them. I told her to spend the extra money for the heater and get the platties.
i had a simalair experience as you. i was at the wal-mart in Vernon Hills and most of their fish were dead. a 10-12 year old girl was buying the eclipse 6 gallon and she was going to get 2 oscars for it. they had 12 oscars in half of a 10 gallon tank which was filled with ich. the store worker said "white dots are normal for oscars". as you did i steped in and said that they are not normal and that they grow to be about 15 inches long. i told her to go to petsmart and get some fish there, and to ask about the fish that you want. walmart was PISSED at me. but i saved major overstocking and some dead fish. yea tempest GOOD luck in changing te way people buy fish from walmart. :sick: on walmart
Tempest, our Wal-Mart here lets the fish people decide what fish to order, which would be good if someone like you worked there. The guy who does the ordering here is TERRIBLE. Since he took over three yrs ago our Wal-Mart has carried comets, rosy reds, fancy goldies, african cichlids, oscars, RED BELLY PACUS, and plecos. That's it. I read the care instructions for the pacus and it said max size 8-10 inches (Bulls***) and tank size of 40 gallons.
The guy who does the ordering may like cichlids (as do I, you can see from my sig), but that doesn't mean that they are right for everyone, or that most people who buy their fish at Wal-Mart have the set-ups to accomadate africans, oscars, pacus, and even goldies. All I know for sure is there are a lot of dead fish due to the blind leading the blind.
We went to Wal-Mart last night....all of the angelfish were gone...besides a couple that were dead ...All the pleco's were there (half of them dead), and a couple clown loaches were still there (2-3 dead) :sick:
well ive never been too a wal mart with an aquarium section, but some of my lfs seriously overcrowd their tanks.

last time i went i saw like maybe 20 or so angels in a 10 gal setup.

and another place i went to had like 20 or so male guppy in a 10 gal. some were dead and a majority of them looked like they had ich. :dunno:
My walmart has little bits of information on their fish below the tanks the fish are in. Under Silver Sharks it said "Legnth 4 inches, minimum tank size 25 gallons".
Our Walmart is pretty bad. The last time I looked at their fish they had some skeletons in their tanks :sick: I told the lady she should clean it out but she just said she was gonna get someone else to do it :/
I just got back from Wal-Mart and my kids like to look at the fish so we went down that isle. I was so appalled that I had to write.
First they had a sign that said, "Do not remove dead fish from tanks, the manager has to enter them into the dead log." Great! In my opinion everyone should put inventory technicalities over the health of fish.
Second there was a lady who said that she was back for more goldfish because all of hers died. The only response from the sales guy was, "What can I get you?" Maybe he could ask her for some background info on her tank, why the fish died, etc. Geez...
Third, and this is the worst. Another lady was there and see asked the second guy for a pictus cat, a pacu, six african cichlids, four oscars, a whole bunch of fancy goldfish and a load of neons. The second guy working over there said, "that's quite a combination" (as he put them all in the same bag) Then the lady said that she was having a dinner party and she thought that a colorful tank would be a nice conversation piece. :sick: I wanted to puke. I was so shocked at this disrespect for life I couldn't even think of something to say. I don't even want to know what will happen to these fish after the party. People make me sick and it's even worse that the fish were sold to her.
I am going to apply to my walmart as well.... the conditions are appaling they need people who do this on an everyday basis....... contact walmart website write and complain people its the only way they are gonna wise up when us hobbyist start complaining .....go to your walmart help these unsuspecting consumers when u hear something wrong. Many ways u can make a difference here. WOW SORRY I got on a roll :byebye:

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